195 CITY BURNS: NEW COVENANT 541 I WILL SEE THE WICKED FALL Number 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN Number477 MAN, POWERLESS IN HEAVEN, Number478 CONTRITE IN SPIRIT The number 175 is the 7th decagonal. The 125th chapter in the New Testament is Romans 8 The law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death. 239 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PROPHET, 241 SAINTS IN PRISON > Christ was born of a virgin that truth is presented in the sign Virgo. 396 TEMPLE IS EXALTED, 397 LAW OF MOSES & PASSOVER CHANGED 216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE Hi John. Number 607 TIES TO THE WICKED ARE CUT I dreamed the number 680 and I saw it as a lit sign. 125 = 5 x 5 x 5. 597 REBORN HEBREWS Our salvation is through Christ not Mary. It is not my opinion it is Gods opinion. 613 SERVANTS INHERIT THE LAND I have fixed it and re-posted the document. 630 HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF GOD Number 594 PRECIOUS SACRIFICE The USA Congress has ignored years of warnings from me (and others ) about what they are doing to anger God, why, and what will happen. endobj Number177 TRAMPLE POOR, Number180 SIN BRINGS CURSE Joseph was born in Syria, i.e. The internet and computers are wonderful but how long will we have electricity? 175 is equal to 5 x 5 x 7 which can be translated The End'(7) of Forgiveness of Sin (25). I later then added up the numbers of my social and it also equaled 37. Number 323 FALSE PROPHETS DIE, Number 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED Number47 HUMILITY: Submission, Number48 FATHERS BLESSING: Inheritance 14 RIGHTEOUS : Virgin, Orphan, Widow, 15 COVENANT: Peace, Joy 427 MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE KING The six simple words they would not repeat: I love God. 445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD If you publish it, please make attribution. Number 624 SAVED BY A MIRACLE Number 656 PEOPLE RUN FROM RULER The wonders that await in the next life are so marvelous it is really such a waste of time to be over-concerned with the outcome of this life. Number 512 ANGEL OF LORD IS NEAR Hi John. Number 144 JESUS IS LORD, Number 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS The plain teaching of the Bible is God declares his truth in the heavens (Psalm 19:1). I dreamed number 383, and according to the meaning stated above it means True Prophet in prison, I am trying to make sense of this meaning without success, may you please decode more from this number. But for Christians Isaiah 1 is a message that makes sense. Second, you came into life at the point of conception, not birth, therefore that date if any would be more indicative of Gods wisdom concerning your creation. The U.S. is in such serious shape. 135 is equal to (1 + 3 + 5) x (1 x 3 x 5). Number 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD 585 GODS BLESSINGS Canada is not. Thank you! Number493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE Number59 RICH OPPRESSOR, Number61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH servant mark. 300 GOD APPEARS, 287 UNREPENTANT DIE Number433 KING HANGS VILE ENEMY 452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, 460 WANTON CRIMES 26 GOSPEL, 27 HOLY TRUTH He will also do battle with the forces of evil to protect us. Its all DVD now. Number387 DONT KNOW THE WAY TO GO, Number381 TOWER OF STRENGTH (IS GOD) 457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD Number 320 SHOUT OF VICTORY Omicron = 70 499 KING IS CROWNED Number295 HEAVY TAXES, Number296 PEOPLE TOIL servant mark. Number 561 PLOT TO DESTROY SAINTS Hallelujah! To reiterate what I believe: all Christians can translate the meaning of the letters of Greek and Hebrew in the Bible into numbers, each number has a consistent meaning throughout the Bible, and when these numbers are translated they give a hidden meaning or message from God. Check out her books at hopebolinger.comfor clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Number 646 LOVE CONTENTION Just a thought to follow up on your answer May 6th. 56 HARD HEART, 57 DEPART THE FAITH Number 525 GOD IS KING OF ALL THE EARTH You may freely use any material on this site. Often their message is unpopular. The Queen of England is still head of state for Canada! Forget about the caterpillar existence of this life and trying to figure it out or anticipate your fate. Number 143 FACTIONS, Number 145WORD OF PROPHECY This is an exercise we are warned to keep away from (2 Tim 4:4 Titus 1:14). Would it be possible to get your website in one big .zip file that could be dissolved to a CD, so, I could make copies to give to people? Somehow I doubted he would believe the Bible on my dashboard if I read it to him. 373 EARTHLY KING IS GOD Similar to three, seven tends to represent completeness. 503 SAINTS SNARED The number 167 is a reminder to stay focused on your goals and to persevere through challenges. For example, there is the union between the church and Christ, as well as the marriage union between a man and a woman. Its common to see the phrase Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the Old Testament. Number 587 GODS CURSES 153 TRIBE OF BELIEVERS, 154 GOD IS JUDGE <> 516 NO HEALTH IN MY BODY The voice in the dream may simply have been announcing to you what your new name is. 590 WEALTH IS SECURE, 591 POOR RAISED UP FROM ASHES Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 455 RIGHTEOUS SCORNED BY ALL, 456 WICKED WILL PERISH FOREVER For the meaning of Birthday numbers and Social Insurance numbers please go to another site. Simply put the number 10 in the bible means divine order, law or complete judgment. Biblical Meaning of Numbers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 17 20 - 21 - 23 - 30 - 33 - 40 - 111 222 - 333 - 444 - 555 - 777 - More! 461 BELITTLED: A WORM, NOT A MAN Number481 MANY FOES: PUT DOWN, Number471 NO CONCERN FOR SIN Number 128 BLESSED ONES I have been fascinated with numbers since I gave my life to Christ years ago.I am not very knowledgeable in this subject but I do love to dig around and search out meanings. 545 I SEEK GODS FACE IN PRAYER Because the God that formed the earth and DNA wrote the Bible transcribed by man and everything you think you know everything there is to know, God can prove you know nothing. This life would begin with an inner renewal of the spirit within our bodies. The number 8 can also have negative meanings, such as devastation or judgment, in some circumstances. 24 The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. And who can make war with him? (Rev. Number 371 PLACE OF SUFFERING, Number 372 GLORY OF GOD IS COVERED 119 LOVE THE LAW, 120 MAN OF PEACE Fellowship has been broken by us with God. 282 CRY FOR JUSTICE, 283 KING REJECTED Jesus drank wine. Concerning Canada my own impression not a final thus says the Lord authority is Russia is prophetic Assyria and just as Assyria took a first slice off Israel taking the tribes East of the Jordan which includes the 1/2 tribe of Manasseh [U.K.], all of Reuben [Europe], and Gad [European Colonies] I believe the Euro Zone will capitulate to Russia to avoid W.W.III. Number406 FEAST IN PRESENCE OF ENEMIES, Number408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING 401 TEMPLE OF DAVID REBUILT Number 608WAIT PATIENTLY TO BE REDEEMED 227 BLINDNESS TO BETRAYAL, 228 PRIEST FOR HIRE 437 WEALTHY LIVESTOCK OWNER, 440 HOLY LIFE GAINS NOTHING 95 VOICE OF GOD It does not require the SUN to reproduce, it does so under ground it grows by feeding on fungi (mildew in the Bible ?). Number454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP Bible numbers apply to things God made (Creation) and things God said (Scripture). For instance, the children of Israel were kept as slaves until Saul . It may be a division between saints who want to continue walking in the inconvenient re-construction process (46), and saints that want to throw off spirituality, maintaining a relationship with God, and transform their faith into a comfortable religious club. Number 642 HUMBLE TENT WILL STAND Number 503 SAINTS SNARED The number three, according to Vallowe's Book, Biblical Mathematics, is defined in the King James Bible for the resurrection. First, those numbers are related to the Julian calendar which is a pagan invention, totally un-Biblical. 354 MAKE A RELIGIOUS SHOW 23 is the number for death, and if you are of the first Adam you are sold under sin. Familicides are up 10x from what they were before Nov 2008. FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, Number233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND All true prophets are the LORDs spokesmen to power. The second time Hagar was sent away she did not return this was the Diaspora after the Cross the scattering of the Jews everywhere in the world and the apostasy of the Jewish remnant. Number 622 MOUNTAIN ON FIRE I looked what you say about these how many muslim players in manchester united; no bom explosion due to missing config; how to contact phlash phelps 135 SPIRITUAL GIFTS, 136 CLEAN HEART It was seen in a vision. 513 THE LORD FIGHTS FOR ME 326 SORROW TURNS TO JOY Christ is guarding your life and no mind has conceived the glories that are to be revealed Paul said. Number 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS When exploring which numbers in the Bible carry symbolic significance, number 12 stands out as one of the most prominent in Scripture. Number455 RIGHTEOUS SCORNED BY ALL, Number456 WICKED WILL PERISH FOREVER Number 650 GOOD NAME, Number 643 DECEITFUL TONGUE Number92 WICKED DESTROYED Useful information. 298 KING EXALTS HIMSELF 218 BROTHER KILLS BROTHER, 219 PIERCED WITH THORNS 494 UNSPOILED INHERITANCE, THEME 40 SEVERE TEST BELIEVERS RULED BY EARTHLY KING, 495 AWAKE TO SEE GODS FACE Number 618 SCHEMERS PLOT MY DOWNFALL 200 MOUTH OF THE ROARING LION, 201 PEACE PACT WITH DEVIL It is all glorifying to God and exalts our Lord Jesus Christ. In our new resurrected bodies our capacity to know him will be rich. Where Do You Start With Biblical Numerology? 342 REMNANT STRUGGLES The spiritual meaning of the number 444 is often seen as a symbol of protection and stability. Number101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT, Number 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING Or Following God? The number 10 also symbolizes new beginnings, which is why it is often associated with the 10 Commandments. 238 LORDS SACRIFICE SCORNED, 240 HOLY THINGS LOST 386 ALLY WITH WICKED 35:19). BUT, I thought you might find interesting how Zech 13 is mis-translated in the KJV. This is why they moved the beginning of the year, when the day starts, calling Sat/Sun the weekend, etc. 46 means Reconstruction. Thank you so much for this insightful information. Number 565 HOLY MOUNTAIN ZION Many numbers do contain a significance in the Bible. Number700 PRIDE IN RICHES AND POWER 100 HOLY FLOCK OF GOD So Isaiah 1 is nonsense in the context of Judaism. Number270 PEACEMAKER It was a typo. Number 589 INHERITANCE CHANGED Number 373 EARTHLY KING IS GOD 421 RULE OF LAW HONORED If Russia / Euro Axis conquers the U.S. it will only be to sweep up the remains because in my interpretation of the prophecies of Isaiah His Hand is Still Upraised the U.S. will fall to internal strife not to external invasion. Number 540 FAT HEART IS FULL OF LIES & CURSES 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT 96 NEW SONG TO GOD, 99 SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD Number377 HEART RESENTS KING The Bible (from Koine Greek , t bibla, 'the books') is a collection of religious texts or scriptures that are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other religions. Number32 FELLOWSHIP, Number34 MANS RELIGION: Money Number 521 UNGODLY NATION OPPRESSES 285 TRAITOR HANGED. Number 319 UNWILLING TO SACRIFICE This meant something in Jewish folklore, and also showed the intensity of the miracle. So, the number 46 and 64 do have a connection. Christ was born of Mary but now that Christ has come the Old Covenant is passed away the lines of the Kings of Judah ceased at Christ he now holds that office perpetually. Ps. The number 383 is the 76th prime number. 122 CITY OF PEACE, 124 DEADLY TRAP ESCAPED Number 628 LORD IS HONORED Number 355 WEAK SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, THEME 28 RELIGION PLAYS HARLOT WITH KING, Number 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE According to the article by Dr. Roger Barrier, the number 666 has a historical and future fulfillment. 1 0 obj 527 RICH MAN PERISHES Number464LOST SOUL, Number465SELF-LOVE 196 GIBEONITE TREATY, 185 CROOKED GENERATION Number 1 UNITY: Lord In other words, it is a reminder that you are always safe and sound, no matter what happens in your life. 134 MISTRUST GODS MAN, 137 QUARRELING It is recorded 135 times in the King James Bible. Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible? 223 BROTHER HATERS Number 505 OUTCAST IS COMFORTED Number 542 I WASH MY HANDS IN INNOCENCE not in the Holy Land, therefore they are a type of Gentile nations. That is why we have put those constellation names on the number maps, so help you find the parallel truths between all the revelation of God. Number162 IDOL A multitude of angels appeared at the Creation of the World when the morning stars sang together. They were commended by the LORD because they obey their fathers command (Jer. 525 GOD IS KING OF ALL THE EARTH These are the Chinese that built our rail roads that were not from any of the tribes of Israel. 587 GODS CURSES Thank you for this insight written on the understanding of numbers and there significance. Number 529 HEART IS HUMBLED Thanks Mark! John writes letters to seven churches, the identities of which theologians have struggled with over the years, whether they were purely historical churches or symbolically represented churches in the modern day as well. Number95 VOICE OF GOD 433 KING HANGS VILE ENEMY 531 EVERYONE IS CORRUPT Though we might make it to the elections. Number249 JOINED TO NATIONS THAT HATE GOD, Number250DEVOURING FIRE chance, and Im stunned why this coincidence did not happened in advance! 193 GREAT CITY FALLS Take for example this number series using your chart above. Firstly, it represents the imperfect nature of human beings and their inclination towards sin. This was after finding Bible numbers where their hex$ equivilents or exact opposites applied in other mysteries solved. As stated by the stenographer as they dragged her into the elevator. 681 HOUSE OF JACOB ABANDONED 5 0 obj Very good and thought provoking, looking forward to reading more. What is interesting is how these parts follow the mountain ranges, faults, and the outlines of the homosexual marriage states.
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