Presione; gire el tornillo hasta que se haga un agujero piloto y se cuele la cubierta de nailon.4. Required fields are marked *. Riesgo de lesiones. Utiliser la VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm fourni.REMARQUE : Placer la SANGLE DE SCURIT exactement comme lindique le schma.Fixer le DESSUS (N) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au MONTANT (C). Fasten the VALANCE (F) to the ENDS (A and B) and TOP (N). Engineered Wood. As the exclusive remedy under this Warranty, Sauder will (at its sole option) repair, replace or refund the value of any defective furniture component. 16 4G SOPORTE DE METAL. Sindoori Mango finish. Fasten three DOOR TRACK SUPPORTS (105M) to the VALANCE (F). Clean with your favorite furniture polish or a damp cloth. Dcoller ensuite le papier du RUBAN ADHSIF sur les MOULURES DE PORTE.Fixer les MOULURES DE PORTE (J et K) la PORTE (O). Step 2 Fasten the UPPER ENDS (A4) to one of the TOP/ BOTTOMS (B). Fixer le MONTANT (C) sur le DESSOUS (D). Limpiar con un trapo hmedo. PASO 1 PASO 3 No apriete los EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS en este paso. Les Excentriques Escamotables doivent tre serrs bloc. Nice. Cada paso en espaol corresponde al mismo paso en ingls. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) offre une couverture de garantie limite lacheteur initial du prsent produit pendant une priode de un an compter de la date dachat contre tout dfaut de matriaux ou de fabrication des composantes de mobilier Sauder. Algunos estados no permiten la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes, en tales instancias la limitacin o exclusin antes mencionada podra no ser aplicable a Hardware Identication Screws are shown actual size. Ensamble la unidad sobre un piso alfombrado o sobre el cartn vaco para evitar rayar la unidad o el piso. DANS LA MESURE O TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE EST APPLICABLE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER, EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE ou la priode minimum autorise par la loi, la priode la plus courte tant retenue. Il est recommand dutiliser la SANGLE DE SCURIT pour renforcer la stabilit.REMARQUE : Ne pas tourner le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE dans un montant mural. Utiliser six RONDELLES EN PLASTIQUE (9I) et six VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 19 mm NOIRES (85S).TAPE 17Fixer les ROULETTES DE PORTE (98M) aux SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE (104M). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Step 3 Insert two METAL PINS (L) into the LOWER ENDS (A2 and B2). Having some trouble with assembly? Use a BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (Q) into the top of the unit and a BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW (P) into a stud in your wall. Fasten this BACK (G) to the upper portion of your unit using the NAILS (R). Diagrama 2: Si su puerta tiene un espacio ms grande cerca de la parte inferior, gire el NIVELADOR frontal izquierdo fuera de la PATA un par de vueltas. NO HAY OTRA GARANTA APLICABLE A ESTE PRODUCTO. The Warranty cannot be transferred to subsequent owners or users of the product, and it shall be immediately void in the event the product is resold, transferred, leased or rented to any third party or person other than the original purchaser. Es posible que tenga que girar el NIVELADOR varias veces para que su PUERTA se ajuste como se indica en el diagrama 1. NOTE: Please read the back pages of the instruction booklet for important safety information. 2. So, how did it o?Set a world record for speed? Lefty loosey. The unit may collapse.1S. Use a littleextra force while turning these SCREWS. Have a friend help lift properly to move and/or reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient et avec prudence. Algunos estados no permiten limitaciones en cuanto a la duracin de una garanta implcita, por eso la limitacin arriba citada pueda no ser aplicable a usted. TAPE 1 TAPE 4 Ne pas serrer les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES cette tape. Luego, retire la capa al respaldo de la CINTA en las MOLDURAS DE PUERTA.Fije las MOLDURAS DE PUERTA (J y K) a la PUERTA (O). Los TORNILLOS apretarn dentro de la ranura. Luego, empuje hacia arriba las BARRAS DE RETENCIN (155M) en el borde inferior de la PUERTA e inserte las BARRAS DE RETENCIN en el CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (110M). Fasten the WHEEL SUPPORTS (104M) to the DOOR (O). Thanks so much for choosing Sauder furniture. Great for all those books you'll never read. NUNCA empuje ni tire de los muebles sobre una alfombra. Buy Sauder Summit Station 66"W Executive Desk, Raven Oak: . Use four BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). Apply pressure; turn the screw until a pilot hole is made and the nylon sheath slips through. You may receive extra hardware with your unit.18EADJUSTABLE GLIDE 41F HIDDEN CAM 30 2F CAM DOWEL 148F CAM SCREW 164GMETAL BRACKET 79IPLASTIC WASHER 6if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'manuals_plus-leader-1','ezslot_18',560,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-leader-1-0');149K PULL 14M TAPE CARD 214M PROPEL NUT 429M BUMPER CARD 298M DOOR WHEEL 2104M WHEEL SUPPORT 2105MDOOR TRACK SUPPORT 3106MDOOR STOP 2109MBARREL NUT 4110M DOOR TRACK 1111MDOOR TRACK TUBE 1if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'manuals_plus-leader-3','ezslot_19',700,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-leader-3-0');152MLONG BARREL NUT 2155MRETAINING BAR 21N NAIL 6079P APPLIQUE CARD 51RMETAL PIN 202RRUBBER SLEEVE 2097 FURNITURE TIPPING RESTRAINT KIT 1Page Identification Screws are shown actual size. Apriete cuatro EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 9Abrir el KIT DE CONTROL ANTI-INCLINACIN PARA MOBILIARIO (97) y fijar la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). 2. Nettoyer avec un tissu humide. Overall Height. A4 A4 EE2 J CC (2 used) N To cover HIDDEN CAMS (8 used) Page 10 409090 www.sauder. DANS LA MESURE O TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE EST APPLICABLE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER, EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE ou la priode minimum autorise par la loi, la priode la plus courte tant retenue. UU. Caution Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. Wardrobe/storage cabinet (16 pages) Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413044 Instruction Booklet. Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step. 2 Phillips Screwdriver Tip Shown Actual Size 4 5-11 Hammer Franais 12-13 Espaol 14-16 Safety 17-18 Warranty Page 2 Not actual size Skip the power trip. 3. Student Desks & Study Carrels Ready-to-assemble with easy-to-follow instructions; 138.99 8.99. You may receive extra hardware with your unit.1S BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW 1815S SILVER 5/8 MACHINE SCREW 285S BLACK 3/4 PAN HEAD SCREW 6113S BLACK 1-15/16 FLAT HEAD SCREW 2123S BLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW 2125S BROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW 4126S BROWN 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW 3127S BLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW 4140S BLACK 5/8 LARGE HEAD SCREW 5Step 1Look for this icon. Tratamos de asegurar que su mueble llega en condicin excelente. When you buy a Sauder East Rock Writing Desk online from, we make it as easy as possible for you to find out when your product will be delivered. Presione; gire el tornillo hasta que se haga un agujero piloto y se cuele la cubierta de nailon.4. Free shipping for many products! Il est galement possible de contacter Sauder en composant le 1.800.523.3987. Sauder designers travel the world and bring back the best and latest in style, finish, and color trends. SAUDER NO TENDR RESPONSABILIDAD por NINGN DAO INCIDENTAL O CONSECUENTE DE NINGN TIPO y todos dichos daos SE EXCLUYEN DE ESTA GARANTA, tales como prdida de uso, desensamblaje, transportacin, trabajo o dao a la propiedad en o cerca del producto. Step 6 Push a CAM COVER (J) onto each HIDDEN CAM. La Garanta no puede ser transferida a propietarios o usuarios subsiguientes del producto, y sta ser inmediatamente invalidada en el caso que el producto sea revendido, transferido, arrendado o rentado a cualquier tercero u otra persona que no sea el comprador original. 7 9I ARANDELA DE PLSTICO.6 149K TIRADOR..1 4M TARJETA CON CINTA ADHESIVA2 14M TUERCA DE HLICE.4 29M CARTA DE LOS PROTECTORES ..2, 98M RUEDA DE LA PUERTA.2 104M SOPORTE DE LA RUEDA .2 105M SOPORTE DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA3 106M TOPE DE LA PUERTA .2 109M TUERCA CILNDRICA .4 110M CARRIL DE LA PUERTA.1 111M TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA ..1 152M TUERCA CILNDRICA LARGA2 155M BARRA DE RETENCIN..2 1N CLAVO..60 79P TARJETA CON APLICACIONES .51R ESPIGA DE METAL 20 2R MANGUITO DE GOMA20 97 KIT DE CONTROL ANTI-INCLINACINPARA MOBILIARIO ..1, 1S TORNILLO NEGRO DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm 1815S TORNILLO PLATEADO PARA METAL de 16 mm..285S TORNILLO NEGRO DE CABEZA REDONDA de 19 mm..6113S TORNILLO NEGRO DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 49 mm.2123S TORNILLO NEGRO DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm ..2125S TORNILLO MARRN DE CABEZA REDONDA de 13 mm..4126S TORNILLO MARRN DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm ..3127S TORNILLO NEGRO PARA METAL de 9,5 mm4140S TORNILLO NEGRO DE CABEZA GRANDE de 16 mm4. Llment risque de seffondrer. PASO 11Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se fije el DORSO. PASO 4 PASO 5 Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se je el DORSOS. Carefully read the following safety information. This completes assembly. Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS. No. Since the back panel had a cutout for TV and stereo cables, she had to make sure the panel lined up perfectly with the frame before nailing it down. Positionner lun des ARRIRES (G) sur la portion suprieure de lunit. Fasten the FIXED SHELF (F2) to the UPPER ENDS (D2). When you buy a Millwood Pines Sauder Harbor View Storage Cabinet, Salt Oak Finish online from Wayfair, we make it as easy as possible for you to find out when your product will be delivered. Manual. offers 156 mainstays furniture products. Contine girando hasta que el tornillo comience a rotar libremente.NOTA: Antes de trasladar la unidad a otra ubicacin, desatornille el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL de su pared. Utilice cuatro TUERCAS CILNDRICAS (109M) y cuatro TORNILLOS NEGROS PARA METAL de 9,5 mm (127S).NOTA: Asegrese de que posicionar los SOPORTES DE LA RUEDA exactamente como se muestra.PASO 18Fije dos BARRAS DE RETENCIN (155M) a la PUERTA (O). Si ce nest pas le cas, ajuster comme suit.Schma n 2 : Si la porte a un cart plus large prs du bas, tourner alors le VRIN avant gauche hors du PIED de deux tours. Step 3 Insert two METAL PINS (L) into the LOWER ENDS (CC and EE2). Use four BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). Models . sauder assembly instructions pdfsauder 5-shelf bookcase assembly instructions sauder 5-shelf bookcase instructions 424601. 2. UU. Improper use can cause safety hazards, or damage to your furniture or household items. Utiliser deux LONGS CROUS MANCHON (152M) et deux VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm NOIRES (123S).Fixer les SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE (104M) sur la PORTE (O). Bajo las leyes de ciertos estados, pueden no haber garantas implcitas de Sauder y se hace renuncia de responsabilidad de todas las garantas implcitas donde lo permita la ley, INCLUYENDO CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLCITA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPSITO EN PARTICULAR. Using a Phillips screwdriver or a hand drill, press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of your. We're Here for You! Can be configured as an L-desk with credenza on left or right. 409090 Use estas instrucciones de ensamblaje en espaol junto con las guras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto ingls. Tighten two HIDDEN CAMS. Fasten the remaining BACK (G) to the lower portion of your unit using the NAILS (R). Serrer six EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 10Fixer sept CONSOLES EN MTAL (4G) aux EXTRMITS (A et B), au DESSOUS (D) et au DESSUS (N). Step 3 Turn sixteen CAM SCREWS (8F) into the LEGS (H and P). $269.99. Part Identication While not all parts are labeled, some of the parts will have a label or an inked letter on the edge to help distinguish similar parts from each other. Fasten the BACK (M2) to the REAR LEGS (P). En tant que recours exclusif en vertu de la prsente garantie, Sauder rparera, remplacera ou rembourser (sur sa seule dcision) la valeur de toute composante de mobilier dfectueuse. Slide a SHELF MOLDING* (I) onto the notched edge of one of the SHELVES (E). Use this part identification to help identify similar parts.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',340,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-medrectangle-4-0');A RIGHT END (1) B LEFT END (1) C UPRIGHT (1) D BOTTOM (1) E ADJUSTABLE SHELF (5) F VALANCE (1)G SKIRT (1) H FRONT LEG (2) I SHELF MOLDING (6) J LOWER DOOR MOLDING (1) K UPPER DOOR MOLDING (1) L FIXED SHELF (1)M2 BACK (1) N TOP (1) O SLIDING DOOR (1) P REAR LEG (2)Page IdentificationNow you know our ABCs.N FPM2ACEIif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'manuals_plus-banner-1','ezslot_11',360,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-banner-1-0');PBEEII HL IE IEIDHGif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',550,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',550,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_17',550,'0','2'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-leaderboard-2-0_2');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-550{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center!important;width:100%} 3Hardware Identification Screws are shown actual size. Compare la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identification en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con Las partes de ensamblaje.NOTA: ESTE FOLLETO DE INSTRUCCIONES CONTIENE INFORMACIN IMPORTANTE SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD. $94.99. Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). Wipe dry. But definitely makes for a sturdier Storage Cabinet that's easier to assemble and friendlier to the environment. Utiliser six RONDELLES EN PLASTIQUE (9I) et six VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 19 mm NOIRES (85S).TAPE 17Fixer les ROULETTES DE PORTE (98M) aux SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE (104M). 2. Step 5 Carefully stand your unit upright. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). Cada paso en espaol corresponde al mismo paso en ingls. El mobiliario inestable puede volcarse. Insrer le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE travers la RONDELLE et une extrmit de la SANGLE DE SCURIT.2. Great for all those books you'll never read. Los Excntricos Escondidos deben apretarse completamente. Essuyer.TAPE 21Schma n 1 : Lcart entre la PORTE et le ct de lunit doit tre constant de haut en bas. NOTE: Be sure to position the RETAINING BARS exactly as shown. This time.Part Identification While not all parts are labeled, some of the parts will have a label or an inked letter on the edge to help distinguish similar parts from each other. Share your journey! Quick and easy assembly with patented slide-on moldings to save you time. Use four BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) through. Entertainment Credenza . NEVER place toys, food, remote, etc. NOTE: Please read the back page of the instruction booklet for important safety information. To eliminate this large gap, turn the front left LEVELER out.Dia ram #2421191, To eliminate this large gap, turn the front right LEVELER out.Dia ram Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Your email address will not be published. And, you know, your arms. 6. Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS.The LEGS will overhang this edge.H SHuIDrfDaEceNwCiAthMSB PThese surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese surfaces should be even.Page 10421191if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_24',706,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); 6Fasten the UPRIGHT (C) to the BOTTOM (D). This certificate applies to the Sauder WoodworkingProduct identified by this Instruction Book. Diagram #2: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the left front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. Veuillez joindre votre ticket de caisse ou toute autre preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit. UU. Now, turn an ADJUSTABLE. Use three BROWN 5/8 FLAT. $10.45. HEAD SCREWS (1S). If features three adjustable shelves to store and display books, collectibles, home dcor and more! Fasten the RIGHT END (A) to the BOTTOM (D). English pg 1-11 Franais pg 12-13 Espaol pg 14-16 Lot # 374952 06/30/15 Purchased: __________________ Be sure to give us a ring before making any returns. Dcouper soigneusement la perforation et enfoncer la SANGLE DE SCURIT travers le trou.Fixer lARRIRE (M2) aux PIEDS ARRIRE (P). Insert the SAFETY DRYWALL ANCHOR through the WASHER and one end of the SAFETY STRAP.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-small-rectangle-1','ezslot_34',716,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-small-rectangle-1-0');2. Las piezas de repuesto sern garantizadas solamente por el perodo de tiempo que queda de la Garanta original. 140SBLACK 5/8 LARGE HEAD SCREW (4 used in this step)The RETAINING BARS should overhang the bottom edge of the DOOR. 21 Posts Related to . Se recomienda que utilice la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD para aumentar la estabilidad.NOTA: No gire el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL en un montante de la pared. Product Brand Sauder. 5-Shelf Bookcase in Soft White. Watch our videos below for helpful tips and step-by-step instructions. Dimensions: 57.6" W x 15.35" D x 33.19" H, weight: 56.76 lbs. As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. Stick the APPLIQUES over the SCREW heads in the ENDS (A4, CC, and EE2). You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1. Algunos estados no permiten la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes, en tales instancias la limitacin o exclusin antes mencionada podra no ser aplicable a 409090 Utilisez les instructions dassemblage en franais avec les schmas tape par tape du manuel dinstruction en anglais. Es posible que tenga que girar el NIVELADOR varias veces para que su PUERTA se ajuste como se indica en el diagrama 1. 5 year limited warranty. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Usted tambin puede contactar a Sauder llamando al 1.800.523.3987. Engineered wood construction. Stylish cube organizer and bookshelf with metal base and legs for sturdy support. Popular Categories: Indoor Furnishing. Utiliser deux VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 13 mm MARRON (125S).REMARQUE : Il est possible que les VIS soient di ciles tourner. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 1S BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW(14 used in this step)4GA GD. Certains tats ou provinces ne permettant pas lexclusion ou la limite aux responsabilits pour dommages accidentels ou conscutifs, la limite ou lexclusion ci -dessus peut ne pas tre applicable.GARANTA LIMITADA DE 1 AO1. Peel the BUMPERS from the BUMPER CARDS (29M) and stick the BUMPERS on the upper and lower corners of both sides of the DOOR (O). La garantie ne peut pas tre transfre des propritaires ou utilisateurs subsquents du produit, et sera immdiatement invalide dans le cas o le produit est revendu, transfr, lou sous bail ou lou une tierce partie ou personne autre que lacheteur original. Step 7 We recommend using the SAFETY BRACKET (K) for added stability. Advertisement. This "Sauder Beginnings 5 Shelf Bookcase Assembly Instructions" graphic has 18 dominated colors, which include White, Silver, Sunny Pavement, Snowflake, Uniform Grey, Tin, Kickstart Purple . Faire tourner la vis jusqu ce quelle soit fleur du mur et quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5. Wall Shelf Set of 2, 31.5 inch Hanging Shelf with Invisible Brackets, for Bathroom, Bedroom, Toilet, Kitchen, Office, Living Room Decor, Rustic Brown BF80BJP201 . Assembled dimensions: L: 35.28" x W: 13.23" x H: 69.76". Sauder Select. Fixer le MONTANT (C) sur le DESSOUS (D). 1: pdf: 193.95KB: View Download. PASO 21Si su unidad tambalea y uno de los NIVELADORES no toca el piso, gire el NIVELADOR fuera de la PATA hasta que toque el piso. Nettoyer avec un tissu humide. Gire el tornillo hasta que quede al ras contra la pared y usted sienta una resistencia firme.5. Utiliser deux VIS MTAUX 16 mm ARGENTES (15S) 31TAPE 19Fixer deux ARRTS DE PORTE (106M) sur le TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE (111M). NUNCA coloque juguetes, comida, control remoto, etc. Three adjustable shelves for flexible storage options. This product is manufactured by:Sauder Woodworking Company 502 Middle St. Archbold, OH 43502 419-446-2711 4. You can also contact Sauder at 1.800.523.3987. NOTE: Be sure the METAL PINS in the LOWER ENDS insert into the holes in the FIXED SHELF. If your unit teeters and one of the LEVELERS is not touching the floor, turn the LEVELER out of the LEG until it touches the floor. Manufacturer Warranty. 0.0 0 Reviews. Safety strapBLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW (1 used in this step) 97, Fasten seven METAL BRACKETS (4G) to the ENDS (A and B), BOTTOM (D), and TOP (N). Il faut peuttre faire tourner le VRIN de deux tours pour ajuster la PORTE comme lindique le schma n 1.Si dautres rglages sont ncessaires, desserrer les VIS dans les SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE d1/4 de tour, effectuer les rglages ncessaires et serrer les VIS comme lindique le schma agrandi.Page 421191Gabinete para almacenajeUse estas instrucciones de ensamblaje en espaol junto con las figuras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto ingls. (Sauf week-ends et jours fris), A lusage exclusif du Canada Noter la date dachat de cet lment et conserver le livret pour future rfrence. Using a drill fitted with a -inch combination bit, drill two pilot holes into each leg. Now you know our ABCs. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied Warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Bajo las leyes de ciertos estados, pueden no haber garantas implcitas de Sauder y se hace renuncia de responsabilidad de todas las garantas implcitas donde lo permita la ley, INCLUYENDO CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLCITA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPSITO EN PARTICULAR. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1.Diagram #3: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the right front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. 2 Phillips Screwdriver Tip Shown Actual SizeStraight Edge ScrewdriverHammerNot actual sizeSkip the power trip. Une mauvaise utilisation peut tre lorigine de risques daccident ou peut endommager le mobilier et les articles mnagers.Lire attentivement linformation suivante sur la scurit.La mort voire de graves blessures peuvent se produire lorsque des enfants grimpent sur les meubles. Beginnings collection 4 drawer chest (24 pages), Starter kit hanover closets collection (32 pages), County line collection side table/night stand (24 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413118 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413043 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder Palladia 413998 Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413678 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413327 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413044 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder beginnings 413324 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 417771 Assembly Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 412267 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 411904 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 410375 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 412740 Assembly Instructions Manual. M2 ) aux PIEDS ARRIRE ( P ) record for speed pilot is. Espaol corresponde al mismo paso en espaol junto con las guras paso-a-paso provistas en diagrama... To the UPPER portion of your unit using the NAILS ( R ), Raven Oak: Actual... Soit fleur du mur et quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5 el diagrama 1 1 paso No... Move and/or reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient et avec prudence enfoncer la de. En condicin excelente remaining BACK ( G ) sur le DESSOUS ( D.! Le MONTANT ( C ) sur le DESSOUS ( D ) and B ) CC and EE2 ) o.... With METAL base and LEGS for sturdy support 16 pages ) Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413044 booklet. Three DOOR TRACK SUPPORTS ( 104M ) to the VALANCE ( F ) HIDDEN CAMS ( used... Juguetes, comida, control remoto, etc the drywall just below TOP! 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