There is a lot of beauty and depth in both religion and spirituality, and before we throw the baby out with the bathwater, I want to offer you, dear spiritual sojourner, some food for thought; something to meditate upon and contemplate. Bear in mind that there are no absolutes in these distinctions. Sunday services and disciple groups help religious people study the Bible together to understand scripture. For spiritual folks, try finding an image of the Divine outside of yourself that you deeply admire and look up to. Spirituality is an inward journey that involves a shift in awareness rather than some form of external activity. 13 Of The Best Meditation Chairs For A More Comfortable Practice, 25 Mindfulness Journal Prompts For Present Moment Awareness, Heal Your Shadow Self With 9 Mindful Shadow Work Exercises, Enhance Your Mindfulness Practice With 13 Mindfulness Worksheets. For instance, religious people are rigid in their beliefs, usually adhering to a particular set of teachings that have been taught and passed down through generations. To better understand the mental health implications of nonreligious spirituality, Zhang and his team recruited 433 American adults to participate in an online study. Thats why you follow the rules of the relevant religion. However, each practice serves as a vehicle to lead you closer to the truth you seek. Your life path is your own and I encourage you to pursue that which calls to you. Our purpose, according to many religions, is to serve, worship, and obey such beings because, by their very nature, they are holier than us. This kind of statement perfectly summarizes the kind of (rightfully justified) cynicism and disillusionment that we carry toward the popular patriarchal notion of a white dude sitting in the sky, judging all our actions. Being spiritual involves holding one's personal set of beliefs and practices and searching for the purpose of life. Spiritual people often develop their own beliefs as they explore what resonates with them. Let go of perfection. That is to say, belief in something based upon unconditional acceptance of the religions teachings. However, when someone is spiritual, they are able to pick out the things they believe from any religion and combine these truths to formulate their own set of beliefs. Comment below! Spirituality: Definition, Types, Benefits, and How to Practice Religiosity, spirituality, and devotion to something Higher than the ego are basic human needs and intrinsic human qualities. Have any thoughts to share? (Traditionally religious people scored highest.) While spirituality does not threaten punishment for a life lived in contrast to a set of rules, it often addresses karma. Religion often has a hierarchical system in which God is seen as the ultimate authority and the one who should be worshipped, obeyed, and revered above all else. Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. It has caused wars and major conflict between ecocentric groups and countries. The word atheist originates with the Greek atheos, which is built from the roots a- (without) and theos (a god). As someone who was raised in a fundamentalist Christian faith (and kissed that goodbye years ago! Without a cup, water spills everywhere. Religion on the other hand encourages the gathering of knowledge through written and oral teachings such as scriptures, old texts, sermons, and so on. A spiritual person is a kind person. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? With spirituality, self-discovery has no boundaries. Spirituality is an individuals inner sense of connection with the universe or a higher power, and for some people, it is an essential part of living. Spirituality teaches us that All is One (non-duality), that there is ultimately no separation between the spark of Divine within us and the Divine that pervades everything. 1) The mystic. Religion includes a preacher or religious leader who defines what the truth is to their congregation. And yet, regardless of where we stand as a species, we all have an innate drive to seek something higher and greater than ourselves whether that be God, Enlightened Consciousness, our next-and-best consumerist purchase, or a dogmatic belief that Science is the only true way of seeing the world. Spirituality: By contrast, spirituality is more often based upon the practical application of the founders teachings. Each person's own definition of spirituality can vary throughout their lifetime, adapting to individual experiences through personal study and self-reflection. From time immemorial, humanity has struggled to find the balance between two great life-guiding forces that seem to work together but are often pitted against each other. The foundation of spirituality is a pure spirit of unifying force. 5. Spirituality is about one's soul and inner self. While both participate in certain practices and rituals to achieve this, the two groups have some key differences. Thats where my experience, reflections, and discoveries can help. Conversely, there can be individuals who are devoutly religious but are not what most would consider deeply spiritual. The word mystic derives from the Greek word mustiks which means secret; connected to the mysteries and msts which means one who has been initiated. (1) As such, we can define a mystic as a person who has been initiated into the mysteries of the Divine. This process occurs through direct personal experience usually via a lineage of teachings that have been deeply explored and integrated into ones life. That is a persons acceptance of the religions teachings. Yes, you can be both religious and spiritual. All paths Arjuna, lead to me.. Spirituality is broader and more abstract than religion. A religious person is committed to following the guidelines set by his or her religion. But instead of seeing things in black-or-white terms (which creates division and therefore fear), I see that religion and spirituality can be like sisters, brothers, or friends that support each other harmoniously. Before gaining insight into this complex relationship, we must look at some key topics. Heres how you can unite spirituality and religion (instead of spirituality vs religion) into your life: 1. Instead, spirituality helps others focus not just on their own well-being, but for others, nature, or any sacred being. This is when spiritual awareness and growth come into play. Youve probably heard people say theyre spiritual but not religious when describing their faith, and wondered what it truly means. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel Find a religious path that calls to you and then explore its mystical tradition. Spirituality embraces a consciousness-based worldview that supports all human beings on their path to awakening in unconditional love and kindness. Unlike religious beliefs, which tend to have strict rules and organized doctrines, spirituality is highly individualized. Spirituality and religion have been an age-old debate in human society. Spirituality encourages people to create their own path, which allows people to take their own journey of enlightenment. To be fair, not everyone clearly hates religion or thinks spirituality is woo-woo. Through religion, you are taught to have faith in God or the scriptures as being the infallible and ultimate truth of reality. A spiritual person, on the other hand, turns inward to find his truth and finds God within himself and all life. They also found that traditionally religious and nonreligious but spiritual individuals showed slightly higher levels of meaning in life (e.g., My life has a clear sense of purpose) and lower levels of delusional ideation than nonreligious/non-spiritual individuals. On the other hand, spirituality teaches people to constantly listen to their inner voice and use it as a guide to live a good life. Spiritual philosophies teach that heaven is within us right now with an emphasis on mindfulness, presence, and tuning into our Higher Selves. Yes, they have most certainly caused tremendous evil in this world (Im speaking mostly about religion here), which is undeniable. What is most important is finding a path that brings meaning to your life and helps you feel connected to something greater than yourself. WebSpiritual beliefs can significantly affect ones ability to cope with disappointment and adverse events in life. It suggests that those with strongly held convictions in their Christian faith, or who held no-religious belief, strengthened belief in their positions following the pandemic's onset. By understanding what sets these two ideas apart, we can better decide what works best for ourselves and our individual journeys. You are instructed to trust in God or the scriptures that are seen as the ultimate truth of reality. There's no questioning it. While one truth is being defined, the other is being discovered. Religion: Due to their centuries- to millennia-old histories, religions are by nature often deeply rooted in tradition, ritual, creed, and doctrine. Spirituality vs Religion #1 Personal / Community-oriented While spirituality focuses on the personal connection with the Divine, religion encourages a community Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Are you a spiritual traveler? (Meanwhile, the habit of gratitude can also increase your long-term happiness. Zhang, H. (Interview) Spirituality, not organized religion, may be the key to finding meaning in life. Advance online publication. Even though both aim for balance, the meaning behind spirituality and a religious lifestyle is dynamically different. I have directly experienced both spirituality and religion in their most toxic states, and Ive also experienced the benefits of both. Since religion began its increasing decline in the early 20th century which was promoted by the Age of Enlightenment in the previous period and reinforced by the horrors of the world wars, the idea of God is now largely seen as not just infantile, but ludicrous. Religion: Religions are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of a historical or archetypal figure (e.g., Christ, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad). WebHere are six characteristics of a spiritually gifted person. Id love for you to share them below in the comments. Although they have many similarities and there is a relationship between the two, there are differences between religion and spirituality. People who identify as spiritual experience their beliefs in unique ways, often incorporating elements of various traditions to form their own personalized framework. Person vs. Destiny (Fate/Luck/God) This is an ambiguous conflict type. A spiritual person looks within themselves to do the right thing and a religious person looks to the outside for guidance. And religion teaches holiness or that the Divine cannot be touched, directly experienced, or even looked upon because it is that much greater than us. Spirituality teaches sacredness or that the Divine can be experienced, felt, and embodied. A majority of us often use the words religion and spirituality interchangeably, but they are entirely separate concepts. We just need to look deeply into both and find their undercurrent of similarities to realize that theyre not as opposed as we once thought. But if you seek more depth, more enrichment, more support, more ensoulment, why not try to walk this third way? Members of a religion often also follow distinctive dress codes (especially religious leaders), moral codes, and actions that are mandated by a supernatural being. In this BBC Horizon film, God on the Brain, a retro science-fiction helmet was placed on Dawkins head. This god helmet generated weak magnetic fields, applied to the temporal lobes. Spirituality vs. It doesnt necessarily require any rituals or practices. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. God is an infinite circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. Usually one has access to a priest, bishop, rabbi, monk, nun, etc. Any text will do. Not spiritual but religious: people who are less spiritual than average, but more religious than average; Conversely, women are more likely than men to identify as both spiritual and religious (33% vs. 24%, respectively). Keep in mind that the distinctions below are very, very generalized and dont account for the many nuances that exist between religion and spirituality. Spiritual people are more flexible in their beliefs and often draw from multiple teachings and practices to create what works best for them. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel Do you rely on the rituals of a certain church to carry you through times when your faith begins to wane? Learning to connect with this image (and even giving it daily offerings or other devotional practices) will help to empower your connection with the Divine. Spirituality embraces everything good, bad, and neutral as it happens without worrying about a future reward. In addition to those who say they are spiritual but not religious, 48% say they are both religious and spiritual, while 6% say they are religious but not spiritual. Another 18% answer both questions negatively, saying they are neither religious nor spiritual. Kenneth I. Pargament, PhD, is a leading expert in the psychology of religion and spirituality. (To learn more, here are 10 ways you can be spiritual.). WebSome non-religious people can be thought of as spiritual but not religious (SBNR). Spirituality seeks its own truth and translates it based on one's experience. If you feel these definitions get blurry and cross into each others territory, youre not alone. Religion: By definition, religion is a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices; the service and worship of God or the supernatural. In previous, more uncertain times, the rules and dogma of organized religion helped to give society a sense of certainty and helped to guide and comfort those whose faith was lacking. Take a dive with me to explore one of humanitys timeless conversations! So why the need to keep one and discard the other? Spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, silence, and contemplation allow you to make conscious contact with more expanded states of consciousness, thus helping to experientially validate the teachings rather than accepting them on faith alone. While religion has various rules that others may or may not agree with, spirituality focuses on an individuals aspect of a belief. However, spirituality encourages people to focus their energy on positive things and to act based solely on love. Religious institutions conservatively guard their practices and values, holding rigidly to the past and the original interpretations of the founders teachings. While often closely linked and used interchangeably, these two concepts are not the same and carry distinct characteristics for individuals, groups, and globally. Im not there to change that. Forty-two percent (42%) of spiritual people meditate when stressed rather than overeat or indulge in unhealthy coping A spiritual person often arrives at their own truths while they are developing their spirituality, rather than following an ideology or set of rules. Spirituality does not feature such characteristics. The difference between a spiritual and religious person boils down to how they see God. It is a structured, frequently rule-based construct that to some degree governs the behavior of its members. A third omission is that of the dishonesty and self-deception found within both of these groupthink systems. For example, one national survey found that about 65% of Americans label themselves "religious and spiritual" 15 to 20% of Americans call themselves "spiritual but not religious" It creates practical implications for everyday behaviors in adherence to the beliefs, rituals, and practices of the group. As a community or group sharing the same beliefs, religion functions as an extremely supportive social network. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. It inspires people to trust their hearts and follow their own instincts. If you notice, others abuse religion to inflict fear into anothers mind. The mystic experiences spiritual growth and discovery in unorthodox ways and isnt big on intellectualism. Every person is essentially a small goda unique and powerful manifestation of existence that serves a purpose in this world. People constantly make the claim that God/the Universe is doing this or that in their favor or wanting them to do this or that. Spirituality and religion are two distinct concepts with important differences. Ill explore the differences below as well as the pros and cons of spirituality and religion. WebAs Table 1 shows, from 1998 to 2018 there have been major changes in peoples religious vs. spiritual identification. Because of this, someone who practices spirituality may continually change their beliefs throughout their life. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, If You Need to Pull an All-Nighter, This Should Be Your Diet, Mass Shootings Are a Symptom, Not the Root Problem. The key distinctions between them mostly involve what each is at its core. As a spiritual person grows in life, so will their perception and beliefs. We guide spiritual seekers undergoing an awakening to walk the path less travelled, practice inner soul work, and rediscover their interconnected True Nature in the present moment. :) ). You do you. For example, since accepting fate can be seen as an inner personal struggle, some define it as Person vs. Self instead. Knowing the differences can help you define your beliefs and arrive at a place of peace with yourself no matter where you lie on the spectrum of religious practice or spiritual growth. Being a spiritual person is synonymous with being a person whose highest priority is to be loving to yourself and others. As you can see, there are noticeable distinctions between spirituality vs. religion; however, these comparisons arent meant to be absolutes or an attempt to polarize one against the other. Inspired by our world-class Chopra Health Retreat, this kit includes all the ingredients and guided rituals you need to: Well send you content youll want to readand put to use. Religion: At its core, religion is about faith. Also, try our spiritual awakening test to see if you are experiencing an awakening! Their worldview can isolate people who don't see it that way. As I explored in my previous article entitled what is spirituality, I define spirituality vs religion in the following ways: The word spirituality comes from the Latin word spiritualis, which means, breath; of the spirit; air. (1,2) Spirituality is connecting to the Divine through your own personal experience. Lets try to clear things up by taking a closer look at the most defining differences between religious and spiritual paths. Nonreligious spirituality, mental health, and well-being. When wondering, Am I religious or spiritual? think about whose rules you follow. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Since people are programmed into their religious beliefs they are nearly always taught that their views are The Truth and are suspicious of anyone on the outside. Religion has a set of rules that followers must obey in order to stay "pure" and "holy." Religion requires one to worship so they will be rewarded later on. Religion aims to build one's character. Spiritual people can feel a stronger connection when their beliefs are intertwined with religion. Spirituality: Spirituality makes no such distinctions. Being "spiritual but not religious" means you do not need a church or a community, some say. Spiritual and religious people are two distinct groups, though they share a common goal: to connect with something greater than the self. For instance, Christians often draw upon their spirituality when making decisions about their faith, but it is not an essential part of the religion. Description for this block. On the other hand, spirituality is less about what you do and more about what you achieve inwardly through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and introspection. There were some downsides to religiosity and spirituality: For example, the researchers found that depression levels were higher among traditionally religious and nonreligious but spiritual individuals. Sure, I can understand why people either hate religion or elevate spirituality (and vice versa), but Im not interested in perpetuating division our world has enough of that already. Some examples include Rumi and Hafiz (from the mystical branch of Islam, Sufism), St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila (from Christianity), Ramakrishna and Anandamayi Ma (from Hinduism), and more modern Western figures like Carl Jung and G. I. Gurdjieff. Spiritual Experience. Many people rely on their own understanding of the world when making decisions or expressing themselves. All Rights Reserved. According to Pew Research Center, about 27% of U.S. adults consider themselves as spiritual but unaffiliated with any traditional religious group, demonstrating an increase of 8% in just the past 5 years.. Religion: 5 Essential Differences Everyone Should Know, 101 Life-Improving Affirmations For Self-Confidence. Is It Better to Be Spiritual or Religious? Modern spirituality puts a great emphasis on our personal connection with God/Life/Spirit. Spirituality leans heavily on the personal experience of one's soul. You may have heardor even usedthe terms religion and spirituality interchangeably. Spiritual Experience; The foundation of religion is faith. Take well-being with you wherever you go with the Chopra app. Spirituality embraces change and the evolution of consciousness. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? If you'd like to learn more, I recommend you check out The 90-Day Gratitude Journal that provides writing prompts designed to develop your appreciation for what life's given you. There have been significant changes in the American religious and spiritual landscape in recent years, with fewer than half of all Americans reporting church membership, report the authors of the research, led by Hansong Zhang of the University of North Texas. Religion, on the other hand, puts emphasis on humbling ourselves to a Divinity that is usually seen as outside of ourselves. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. First up in the types of spiritual personalities is the mystic. This research may help reduce negative stereotypes and stigma surrounding non-traditional religious practices and affiliations. There is no definitive answer to whether it is better to be spiritual or religious, as the right path for one person may not be the same for another. Biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins travelled to the lab of Canadian neuroscientist Michael Persinger in the hope of having a religious experience. However, while one's spiritual beliefs are typically unique, spirituality often enforces the idea that all people are the same. Lets break down the individual differences as well as the light and darkness within spirituality and religion below: While spirituality focuses on the personal connection with the Divine, religion encourages a community-centered connection with the Divine. Or as Christina Puchalski, MD (leader in trying to incorporate spirituality into healthcare), puts it, Spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred.". We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. In this article, we will define both and talk about four major ways they they are different from one another. Where the two overlap is each person's individual experiences that impact how they think, feel, and act. In either case, there are professionals within each religion who act in positions of leadership and who represent formal aspects of the institution. On the other hand, religious Here are five essential differences between spirituality and religion to consider: Religion focuses on outward structures and traditions, whereas spiritualism directs its attention inwardly toward self-discovery. (100% secure.). This means that one who lives with good intentions and practices good deeds will experience happiness in the future, while living with bad intentions may lead to future suffering. Alternatively, in religion, the belief system is usually predefined. Each is at its core third way who identify as spiritual experience their beliefs in unique ways, often elements... 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