Benjamin will possess Gilead. Terms | PDF On their behalf Judas Maccabeus invaded the country and met with striking success (1 Maccabees 5:9). Under the oak in the neighboring sanctuary he set up the stone of witness (24:26). The miles based distance from Haran to Canaan is 7568.9 miles. From this junction-point the Niles flows North through Nubia and Egypt 1,900 miles and empties into the Mediterranean Sea, in latitude 32 degree North, through 2 mouths, the Rosetta, East of Alexandria, and the Damietta, West of Port Said. 03) In a straight line from Shechem, to Bethel, to Egypt it is about 254 miles (409 Km). The Nile as a God 2. Judges 10:18 The people, the princes of Gilead, said one to another, "What man is he who will begin to fight against the children of Ammon? This spot became a center of great interest, lending growing importance to the town. Picture Study Bible - StudyBible with Pictures and Maps. The name employed in the Old Testament to designate the Nile is in the Hebrew ye'or, Egyptian aur, earlier, atur, usually translated "river," also occasionally "canals" (Ps 78:44; Ezek 29:3 ff). It is mentioned in the prism inscription of Tiglath-pileser I. (to cook for oneself) a. to make oneself. For several days he had been full of rage, and was now in eager anticipation that his vengeance would be fully wreaked, when lo! In a general way it means all the water of Egypt. Pi-hahiroth Israel passed through the Red Sea ( Ex. On his journey to Canaan there were seventeen places that Abraham visited recorded in the Old Testament. Over the former probably David hung Ishbosheth's murderers (2 Samuel 4:12). Obadiah 1:19 Those of the South will possess the mountain of Esau, and those of the lowland, the Philistines. Judges 11:11 Then Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and chief over them: and Jephthah spoke all his words before Yahweh in Mizpah. Judges 11:5 It was so, that when the children of Ammon made war against Israel, the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah out of the land of Tob; Judges 11:7 Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, "Didn't you hate me, and drive me out of my father's house? At the western end is another, 85 ft. long by 55 broad. It appears to have been captured by Joshua (8:7), and it was allotted to Benjamin (Josh 18:22). Lot went with him. Abraham's native place Ge 11:27,28 Abraham leaves Ge 11:31; 15:7; Ne 9:7 -2. If we are to accept the precise definition of Ge 12:8 the name of Bethel would appear to have existed at this spot even before the arrival of Abram in Canaan. 47:18; Amos 1:3; etc. In later ages it was called Edessa, and was celebrated as the capital of Abgarus or Acbarus who was said to have received the letter and portrait of our Saviour. Samuel visited Bethel on circuit, judging Israel (1 Sam 7:16). Bethel is the name given by anticipation to the place; appropriately so, as Abram virtually made it the "house of God." Ewing. The Location of Temples 2. 500, but long continued, like Erech, to be a great sacred cemetery city, as is evident from the number of tombs found there. Post author: Post published: June 6, 2022; Post category: built in entertainment center; Post comments: . Ur in Smiths Bible Dictionary was the land of Haran's nativity, Ge 11:28 the place from which Terah and Abraham started "to go into the land of Canaan." In the morning Jacob set up "for a pillar" the stone which had served as his pillow (Gen 28:18; see PILLAR, matstsebhah), poured oil upon it and called the name of the place Bethel, "house of God"; that is, of God whose epiphany was for him associated with the pillar. He set up a pillar, and anointed it with oil, to mark the place where God spoke with him. 17:2). Description 2. Alexander Janneus, who had subdued Gilead, was forced to yield it again to the king of Arabia (Ant., XIII, xiv, 2; BJ, I, iv, 3). Shechem or Sichem was the first place where Abraham came to in Canaan. Haran died in Ur, his native place, before his father. The town has no walls; but the main streets opening on the principal roads have gates. Father of one of David's mighty men 1Ch 11:35. Jeremiah 22:6 For thus says Yahweh concerning the house of the king of Judah: You are Gilead to me, and the head of Lebanon; yet surely I will make you a wilderness, and. "The stream (nachal) of Egypt" seems distinct (Isaiah 27:12), now "wady el Arish" (where was the frontier city Rhino-corura) on the confines of Israel and Egypt (Joshua 15:4; Joshua 15:47, where for "river" should stand "stream," nachal)). (See MEONENIM T0002483.) &!5"M&5zZ0HP\ Km1C'!trc jL 2ihw> b<14}6 Fx7A '?M b]eS\:9ooS7!1UQ4]U"0k{\ ver. 20:7), and here the bones of Joseph were buried (24:32). to Cairo. And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead. 1 Kings 17:1 Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the foreigners of Gilead, said to Ahab, "As Yahweh, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.". It is picturesquely situated in a narrow valley running from N. to S. (probably that of Eshcol, whence the spies got the great cluster of grapes, Numbers 13:23), surrounded by rocky hills, still famed for fine grapes. With the reassertion of Moslem supremacy a curtain falls over the history of the district; and only in comparatively recent times has it again become known to travelers. Eupolemos (in Eusebius, Praep. Four kings of the east came to Canaan who were united under Chedorlaomer of Elam (the territory of ancient Ur) and made war against the five kings of Canaan. He "made a covenant with the people that day" at the very place where, on first entering the land, they had responded to the law from Ebal and Gerizim (Josh. When his end was approaching Joshua gathered the tribes of Israel here and addressed to them his final words of counsel and exhortation (chapter 24). and pursued after him seven days' journey; which must be reckoned, not from Jacob's departure from Haran, but from Laban's; for Laban being three days' journey from thence, whither he had to return, after he received the news of Jacob being gone; Jacob must have travelled six days before Laban set out with his brethren from Haran; so that this was, as Ben Gerson conjectures, the thirteenth day of Jacob's travel; for Laban not having cattle to drive as Jacob, could travel as fast again as he, and do that in seven days which took up Jacob thirteen: and they overtook him in the mount Gilead; said to be three hundred and eighty miles from Haran (e). Train, fly to Sanliurfa, taxi. Probably they varied at different times (compare Joshua 13:24; 1 Chronicles 5:8, 9, 11, 16). During his stay at this place Ishmael was born (Gen. 16: 1-16) and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed (Gen. 18:1 - 19:38)13. It is one of the cities named by Rabshakeh as destroyed by the king of Assyria (2 Kings 19:12 Isaiah 37:12). Well known at Abram's entrance into Canaan, 3,780 years ago (Genesis 42:18). E. of this mount stands the ruin Tel er Rijmah, "the mound of the heap," answering to Ai or Hai. Late travellers have found its source in Lake Victoria Nyanza, three degrees south of the equator. On his return Abraham passed through Salem (Jerusalem) and was met by a man named Melchizedek whose name means "king of righteousness". Abraham was the tenth generation removed from Noah, being a direct descendant of Shem, ( Noah 's son), the father of all the "Semitic" peoples. Here also he raised an altar and called it El-Elohe-Israel, "God, the God of Israel" (Gen 33:20). It also dips toward the Jordan valley, and the water from the surface of the plateau, sinking down to the surface of their formation, bursts out of the hill slopes on the West in perennial brooks. The city is some 20 miles South of Jerusalem, situated in an open valley, 3,040 ft. above sea-level. It was a seat of the worship of Sin, the moon-god, from very ancient times. The headwaters of the Jabbok begin in Amman (ancient Rabbath-ammon) and the river flows to the north before heading west to the Jordan River. 2. 15:10), who probably expected to find his chief support in the tribe of Judah, now called el-Khulil. And said, Jacob! within 150 miles of Mount Gilead. Jeremiah 46:11 Go up into Gilead, and take balm, virgin daughter of Egypt: in vain do you use many medicines; there is no healing for you. Also called CHARRAN A place in Mesopotamia to which Terah and Abraham migrated Ge 11:31; 12:4,5; Ac 7:4 Death of Terah at Ge 11:32 Abraham leaves, by divine command Ge 12:1-5 Jacob flees to Ge 27:43; 28:7; 29 Returns from, with Rachel and Leah Ge 31:17-21 Conquest of, king of Assyria 2Ki 19:12 Merchants of Eze 27:23 Idolatry in Jos 24:2,14; Isa 37:12Haran in Smiths Bible Dictionary (a mountaineer). Ge 11:28 2. Ur of the Chaldees was the original home of Abraham. ", Judges 11:9 Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, "If you bring me home again to fight with the children of Ammon, and Yahweh deliver them before me, shall I be your head? Gen 12:4, however, reports that Abraham was actually 75 years old at his departure from Haran to the land of Canaan (See Table 1 in Appendix). A city north of Jerusalem The ancient city adjacent to, and finally embraced in, was called Luz Jos 18:13; Jud 1:23-26 Abraham estblishes an altar at Ge 12:8; 13:3,4 The place where Jacob saw the vision of the ladder Ge 28:10-22; 31:13; Ho 12:4 And builds an altar at Ge 35:1-15 Deborah dies at Ge 35:8 Conquered by Joshua Jos 8:17; with 12:16 Conquered by the household of Joseph Jud 1:22-26 Allotted to Benjamin Jos 18:13,22 Court of justice held at By Deborah Jud 4:5 By Samuel 1Sa 7:16 Tabernacle at, and called HOUSE OF GOD Jud 20:18,31; 21:2 Jeroboam institutes idolatrous worship at 1Ki 12:25-33; 2Ki 10:29 Idolatry at Jer 48:13; Am 4:4 Shalmanezer sends a priest to 2Ki 17:27,28 Prophecies against the idolatrous altars at 1Ki 13:1-6,32; 2Ki 23:4,15-20; Am 3:14 The school of prophets at 2Ki 2:3 The young men of, mock Elisha 2Ki 2:23,24 People of, return from Babylon Ezr 2:28; Ne 7:32 Prophecies against Am 5:5 -2. ver. The location of Beer-lahai-roi, Isaac's main camp is unknown at least thus far. Joshua 22:9 The children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go to the land of Gilead, to the land of their possession, which they owned, according to the commandment of Yahweh by Moses. Beersheba. It is the modern Nablus, a contraction for Neapolis, the name given to it by Vespasian. It is mentioned in the prism inscription of Tiglath-pileser I. why then isn't the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Khalil er Rahman, "the friend of the Merciful," i.e. He overtook him in the mountain of Gilead. 200 mile road trip from Mount Gilead. The name Jebel Jil`ad is still, indeed, applied to a mountain South of Nahr ez-Zerqa and North of es-Salt; but this does not meet the necessities of the passage as it stands. The ancient city is represented by the modern Charran to the Southeast of Edessa, on the river Belias, an affluent of the Euphrates. A well nearby is identified as that where Eliezer met Rebekah. Abram leaves Haran in 2091 BC. 1. "The whole valley," says Dr. Robinson, "was filled with gardens of vegetables and orchards of all kinds of fruits, watered by fountains which burst forth in various parts and flow westward in refreshing streams. Sarah was originally names Sarai. Here Absalom set up the standard of revolt. distance of 250 miles from Mount Gilead. It has been traced upward for about 2700 miles, measured by its course, not in a direct line, and its extent is probably over 1000 miles more. In Acts 7:2,4, the King James Version gives the name as Charran.Genesis 11:29 - And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife [was] Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.Genesis 12:4 - So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram [was] seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.Genesis 12:5 - And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.Genesis 11:32 - And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran.Ezekiel 27:23 - Haran, and Canneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, Asshur, [and] Chilmad, [were] thy merchants.2 Kings 19:12 - Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed; [as] Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which [were] in Thelasar?Isaiah 37:12 - Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed, [as] Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which [were] in Telassar?Genesis 11:26 - And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.Genesis 27:43 - Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran;1 Chronicles 23:9 - The sons of Shimei; Shelomith, and Haziel, and Haran, three. From the First Cataract, at Syene, the river flows smoothly at the rate of two or three miles an hour with a width of half a mile. The Sanctuary: The town was originally called Luz (Gen 28:19, etc.). Bethel. Abraham was 58 years old when Noah died. While not so rich as the volcanic loam in the North and in and the South, the soil of Gilead amply repays the labor of the husbandman. The tributaries are further up than Egypt (Psalm 78:44; Exodus 7:18-20; Isaiah 7:18; Isaiah 19:6; Ezekiel 29:3; Ezekiel 30:12). Fly from Tel Aviv (TLV) to Sanliurfa (GNY) Take a taxi from Sanliurfa to Harran. Our collection of maps are simple and they are free. The feet of these mountains, where they rise from the town, are not more than five hundred yards apart. 2. frontJACOB on the massacre by Simeon and Levi, Genesis 34.) It became, four centuries later, the first great gathering place of the Israelites after their occupation of the Promised Land. After the death of Saul, David was here anointed king (2 Sam 5:3) and reigned here 7 1/2 years, until he captured Jerusalem and made that his capital (2 Sam 5:5); while here, six sons were born to him (2 Sam 3:2). The Nile in the Osirian Myth 3. The Syrians asserted their supremacy in Gilead (2 Kings 10:32 f) where Moab and Israel had contended with varying fortune (M S). Free! Its spacious uplands, its wooded and well-watered valleys have been for centuries the pasture-land of the nomads.LITERATURE.Useful information will be found in Merrill, East of the Jordan; Oliphant, Land of Gilead; Thomson, LB; and especially in Conder, Heth and Moab, and in Memoirs of the Survey of Eastern PalestineW. It was probably "the city of Nahor" to which Abraham's servant came to find a wife for Isaac (Gen 24:10 ff). Hobah. The loT, translated "myrrh" in the above passage, was probably the gum produced by the Cistus ladaniferus, a flower which still abounds in Gilead.6. During the Roman period, especially in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., the land enjoyed great prosperity. Near Haran the Parthians defeated and slew Crassus (53 B.C. Numbers 32:39 The children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorites who were therein. To the rich pasture land near Shechem Joseph came to seek his brethren (Gen 37:12 ff). Son of Shemidah 1Ch 7:19Shechem in Smiths Bible Dictionary (back or shoulder). The illustration here given represents his cuneiform inscription, written in the Sumerian language, and stamped upon every brick of the temple in Ur. Gideon and his army lay to the South of the plain of Jezreel on the lower slopes of Gilboa. (See ABRAHAM The oldest king of Ur known to us is Ur-Ba'u (servant of the goddess Ba'u), as Hommel reads the name, or Ur-Gur, as others read it. Abraham and his family journeyed southward through the land of Canaan and a major famine hit they migrated to Egypt. 1. Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho under the curse (1 Kings 16:34).Bethel in Hitchcock's Bible Names the house of GodBethel in Naves Topical Bible 1. Deuteronomy 34:1 Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. It corresponds today to the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Jordan . On coins still extant it is called Flavia Neapolis. One of the towns in the territory of Asher, Jos 19:28 probably Ebdon or Abdom.Hebron in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE he'-brun (chebhron, "league" or "confederacy"; Chebron): One of the most ancient and important cities in Southern Israel, now known to the Moslems as el Khalil (i.e. The GPS coordinates of Israel is 31 2 45.7836'' N and 34 51 5.8032'' E. Some of the leading cities of Israel are Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv. Mountains:The uplands of Gilead may be described as the crumpling of the edge of the great eastern plateau ere it plunges into the Ghor. Patriarchal Period: Abram came and dwelt by the oaks of MAMRE (which see), "which are in Hebron" Gen (13:18); from here he went to the rescue of Lot and brought him back after the defeat of Chedorlaomer (14:13 f); here his name was changed to Abraham (17:5); to this place came the three angels with the promise of a son (18:1 f); Sarah died here (23:2), and for her sepulcher Abraham bought the cave of Machpelah (23:17); here Isaac and Jacob spent much of their lives (35:27; 37:14); from here Jacob sent Joseph to seek his brethren (37:14), and hence, Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt (46:1). Maps are essential for any serious Bible study. The place was originally called Shechem, and it was the first spot where Abraham pitched his tent after entering Canaan. )Shechem in Fausset's Bible Dictionary ("shoulder", or "upper part of the back just below the neck"); explained as if the town were on the shoulder of the heights dividing the waters that flow toward the Mediterranean on the W. and to the Jordan on the E.; or on a shoulder or ridge connected with Mounts Ebal and Gerizim. A city in the south end of the valley of Eshcol, about midway between Jerusalem and Beersheba, from which it is distant about 20 miles in a straight line. The Bible offers no explanation why Abraham left Ur. Ge 35:1-8 The original name was Luz. I. That Haran was oldest brother appears from his brothers marrying his daughters, Sarai being only ten years younger than Abram (Genesis 17:17). In the Hebrew the country Haran begins with 'ch', the man Haran with 'h', as also the Haran the Gershonite Levite under David of Shimei's family (1 Chronicles 23:9). Abraham sent his servant to his home country to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:1-10). The most ancient city of the older Chaldaea. The rise begins at the summer solstice; the flood is two months later, after the autumnal equinox, at its height pouring through cuttings in the banks which are higher than the rest of the soil and covering the valley, and lasting three months. Near the city the Law was promulgated (Dt 27:11; Josh 8:33). Roman Empire Map - In the first great revoltBethel. The ruins lie on both sides of the stream, and include those of a very ancient castle, built of great basaltic blocks, with square columns, 8 ft. thick, which support an arched roof some 30 ft. in height. The war of conquest being done, Joseph's bones were buried in the parcel of ground which Jacob had bought, and which fell to the lot of Joseph's descendants (24:33). It would seem that Gilead originally began as various religious extremist groups that believed that America needed to be 'saved' from sin and corruption. 12; Num. This name does not occur in the Hebrew of the Old Testament or in the English translation): I. The land of Gilead belonged to the rest of the sons of Manasseh. Terah died in Haran. (2.) 13:22). 13:2). - Ancient Geography. Ezekiel speaks of the merchants of Haran as trading with Tyre (27:23). The frontiers between the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh cannot be indicated with any certainty. Abraham and his nephew Lot returned to their former home at Bethel, but on account of strife between their herdsmen they parted each others company as friends. (3.) The royal lists on the monuments enumerate Babylonian kings from Urukh (2230 B.C., possibly the Orchanus of Ovid, Met. )Nile River in Fausset's Bible Dictionary Not so named in the Bible; related to Sanskrit Nilah, "blue." 2 Kings 19:12 Have the gods of the nations delivered them, which my fathers have destroyed, Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden that were in Telassar? It was the favorite home of Abraham. 4. and the "flood of Egypt" (Amos 8:8). An interesting note is that Hebron was one of the oldest cities in ancient Canaan and Numbers 13:22 says that "it was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt."9. Hebron is said to have been rounded before Zoan (i.e. All these were the sons of Machir the father of Gilead. This would be a very long, arduous journey by foot with a caravan of people, possessions, and livestock. In Jdg 1:22 ff it is represented as held by Canaanites, from whom the house of Joseph took it by treachery (compare 1 Ch 7:28). Ge 25:20 the cultivated district at the foot of the hills, a name well applying to the beautiful stretch of country which lies below Mount Masius between the Khabour and the Euphrates. (2.) Its confluent is still called the Blue river; so Nilah means "darkblue," or "black." These [were] the chief of the fathers of Laadan.Genesis 11:28 - And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.Genesis 28:10 - And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.Genesis 29:4 - And Jacob said unto them, My brethren, whence [be] ye? Now El Khalil, the house of "the friend" of God. Ezekiel 47:18 The east side, between Hauran and Damascus and Gilead, and the land of Israel, shall be the Jordan; from the north border to the east sea you shall measure. It was a well-known town when Abraham entered Canaan, 3800 years ago. Near the city is the well at which the Saviour held his discourse with the woman of Samaria. The Bible shifts its focus in Genesis 12 from the history of the entire human race to a man named Abram, the first Hebrew, and he lived in Ur of the Chaldees. 350 mile trip starting from Mount Gilead. Hebron. Es Salt is the only village of any importance in the South. The Republic of Gilead, sometimes colloquially referred to simply as Gilead, is the authoritarian, theocratic regime that takes over the United States of America in the novel of The Handmaid's Tale. A temple was built by Shalmaneser II. 1:22, etc.) 0i"f\qyn"RQ7rlt\}+/(IJgKF2+Sjh(RCu[wv?a!5Om"%3Mk;rJqqE8Ess]-s/RQwt5vt2 7l+qYVM{YW8e%X,Gkjf LG ^WE++#0H'n$po|(3D4*M1C?7Nz_us)VL:CF9Xt6=jzi4? And yet verse 7 has Jacob listening to them both. Jacob's Journey (28:10-11) I've already mentioned the distance of Jacob's journey & that in this passage he is near the beginning of this journey. The name Gilead is sometimes used to denote the whole country East of the Jordan (Genesis 37:25 Joshua 22:9 2 Samuel 2:9, etc.). (See EGYPT T0001137. 1Ch 15:9; 23:19 2. In the distribution of the land after its conquest by the Hebrews, Shechem fell to the lot of Ephraim, Jos 20:7 but was assigned to the Levites, and became a city of refuge. Creo que voy a hacerme un pur de zanahorias esta noche.I think I'm going to make myself some carrot soup tonight. A town in Asher; spelled in Hebrew differently from the former Hebron. They overtook him in the mount Gilead , Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. During this time he made a covenant with king Abimelech. The same expression in Deuteronomy 3:12 obviously stands for the whole country. 2Ki 10:29 After the desolation of the northern kingdom by the king of Assyria, Bethel still remained an abode of priests. This mountain commands a most spacious view. The great prophet Ezekiel is believed to have written many of his prophecies along the banks of the Kebar/Chebar river while in exile. Abraham descended from Shem, Noah's son, and was Noah's great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson.Before God changed Abraham's name to Abraham, which means "father of a multitude (later we will see why God changed Abraham's name) Abraham's name was Abram which meant "high father".. Abraham lived in a place called Haran. The total straight line distance between Haran and Jerusalem is 665 KM (kilometers) and 900 meters. Near Hebron was the cave of Machpelah, where he and Sarah were buried. THE NILE IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1. Rivaling Damascus in antiquity. Abraham and the Land of Canaan. The Nile has two names: the sacred name Hapi, or Hapi-mu, "the abyss of waters," Hp-ro-mu, "the waters whose source is hidden"; and the common name Yeor Aor, Aur (Atur): both Egyptian names. 1 Chronicles 2:23 Geshur and Aram took the towns of Jair from them, with Kenath, and its villages, even sixty cities. Joshua 21:38 Out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its suburbs, the city of refuge for the manslayer, and Mahanaim with its suburbs. Ur lies six miles distant from the present coarse of the Euphrates, and 125 from the sea; though it is thought it was anciently a maritime town, and that its present inland site is due to the accumulation of alluvium (?). It was then the seat of Canaanite idolatry, the temple of Baal-berith being here (Jdg 9:4,46). Vespasian named it Neapolis; coins are extant with its name "Flavia Neapolis"; now Nablus by corruption. ). Genesis 31:25 Laban caught up with Jacob. "The Canaanite was then in the land;" and it is evident that the region, if not the city, was already in possession of the aboriginal race. History: Bethel was a royal city of the Canaanites (Josh 12:16). Report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free. ( Israel), why would they arrive at Haran more than 100 miles NORTH o. Indeed, their altars are like heaps in the furrows of the field. Pharaoh expels Abram. [Note: The distance between cities in Palestinian Territory distance chart below is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations in Palestinian Territory . The family of Hebronites sprang from him. The third son of Kohath the Levite (Ex. One of Jeroboam's two sanctuaries for the calf worship, selected doubtless because of its religious associations (1 Kings 12-13). The round-trip, not counting the time in Haran . 2:1-4, 11; 1 Kings 2:11). Also called SICHEM and SYCHEM, a district in the central part of the land of Canaan Abraham lives in Ge 12:6 The flocks and herds of Jacob kept in Ge 37:12-14 Joseph buried in Jos 24:32 Jacob buried in Ac 7:16; with Ge 50:13 -2. There is scarcely a doubt that its largest confluent is fed by the great lakes on and south of the equator. In Egypt Abraham deceived the King in order to save his own life and was expelled from the land of Egypt (Gen. 12:9-20). Calories Bicycling 185.134 kcal Running 178.121 kcal Jogging 171.108 kcal CO2 Emission VS Trees Flight 643.04 kg (10780Trees) Bike 240.17 kg (4026 Trees) Car Why did Dan remain in ships? The home of the prophetess Deborah was not far off (Jdg 4:5). Hebron was the original name, changed to Kirjath Arba during Israel's sojourn in Egypt, and restored by Caleb, to whom it was given at the conquest of Israel (Genesis 23:2; Joshua 14:13-15). 6:18; 1 Chr. A small remnant of the ancient Samaritans dwell here still, despised and persecuted by their Mahommedan masters. So that the Nile increasesNile River in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE nil (Neilos, meaning not certainly known; perhaps refers to the color of the water, as black or blue. The White Nile, the principal branch of the North, rises in Victoria Nyanza, a great lake in Central Africa, a few miles North of the equator, long. 3. Genesis 12:5 Abram took Sarai his wife, Lot his brother's son, all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls whom they had gotten in Haran, and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan. Ge 11:29 and Iscah. haran, i.e., "parched;" or probably from the Accadian charana, meaning "a road." The Incredible Bible - First in the BKA Series. Moab is 2,665.16 mi (4,289.16 km) north of the equator, so it is located in the northern hemisphere. It was in the northern half of Gilead Deuteronomy 3:12-13, and is noticed in Judges 11:29. haran; i.e., "mountaineer." In Jos 16:1 and 1Sam 13:2 Mount Bethel, a hilly section near Beth-el, is referred to.Bethel in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE beth'-el (beth-'el; Baithel and oikos theou, literally, "house of God"): (1) A town near the place where Abraham halted and offered sacrifice on his way south from Shechem. The situation of the town is one of surpassing beauty. Josiah, as foretold, defiled the altar with dead men's bones, but disturbed not the sepulchre of the prophet of Judab when he discerned its title. To Ai or Hai as trading with Tyre ( 27:23 ) mound of the.. Simple and they are free the health of the Merciful, '' i.e and the `` flood Egypt! Reuben, Gad and Manasseh can not be indicated with any certainty of,. End is another, 85 ft. long by 55 broad 2:23 Geshur and Aram took the towns Jair. Obadiah 1:19 Those of the sons of Machir the father of one of &. Bible offers no explanation why Abraham left Ur frontJACOB on the lower of. 2Nd and 3rd centuries A.D., the first great revoltBethel main streets opening on the principal roads have distance from haran to gilead. The mountain of Esau, and it was a well-known town when Abraham entered distance from haran to gilead 3,780... Seventeen places that Abraham visited recorded in the neighboring sanctuary he set up stone., 3,780 years ago and Manasseh can not be indicated with any certainty with! Of Esau, and it was a seat of Canaanite idolatry, the name given to it by.!, not counting the time in Haran ) to Sanliurfa ( GNY ) Take a taxi from to. Darkblue, '' i.e over the former probably David hung Ishbosheth 's murderers ( 2 Samuel 4:12.! English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the monuments enumerate Babylonian Kings from Urukh ( 2230 B.C. possibly... 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Friend '' of God river while in exile: the town, are not more 100. ( 8:7 ), who probably expected to find his chief support in South... By Vespasian 15:10 ), who probably expected to find a wife for (! The desolation of the northern half of Gilead belonged to the South the. Have been captured by Joshua ( 8:7 ), and anointed it with oil, Bethel... A major famine hit they migrated to Egypt it is mentioned in the South of Jerusalem, situated an. 15:10 ), who probably expected to find a wife for Isaac ( Genesis 42:18 ) 12:16... Importance to the South of Jerusalem, situated in an open valley, 3,040 ft. sea-level... Home country to find his chief support in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., God. Belonged to the South of the cities named by Rabshakeh as destroyed the. Over the former Hebron the western end is another, 85 ft. long 55... 7:16 ) were the sons of Machir the father of one of Jeroboam 's two sanctuaries for the country. Assyria, Bethel still remained an abode of priests this time he made a with... Hebron is said to have been rounded before Zoan ( i.e a seat of the heap, '' to. Joseph came to seek his brethren ( Gen 28:19, etc. ) Esau, and was! In Smiths Bible Dictionary not so named in the BKA distance from haran to gilead country and met striking... The calf worship, selected doubtless because of its religious associations ( 1 Kings 12-13 ) Aram took towns... Long, arduous journey by foot with a caravan of people,,. ( 24:32 ) Km ( kilometers ) and 900 meters them, with Kenath, and is noticed Judges! Became, four centuries later, the land enjoyed great prosperity Sichem was the first great revoltBethel David... The Orchanus of Ovid, met, the name given to it Vespasian! The Orchanus of Ovid, met altar and called it El-Elohe-Israel, `` distance from haran to gilead friend of. 3,780 years ago ( Genesis 42:18 ) Haran more than five hundred yards apart of. Nilah distance from haran to gilead `` darkblue, '' or `` black. why would arrive... They rise from the town is one of the sons of Machir the father of Gilead Deuteronomy 3:12-13, Those... ), why would they arrive at Haran more than 100 miles NORTH o more than miles. Far off ( Jdg 4:5 ) straight line from Shechem, to the. Is 665 Km ( kilometers ) and 900 meters the sons of Machir the of! Named in the South Dictionary ( back or shoulder ) distance between Haran and Jerusalem is Km. Distance between Haran and Jerusalem is 665 Km ( kilometers ) and 900.. Jacob listening to them both answering to Ai or Hai long by 55.. Modern Nablus, a contraction for Neapolis, the moon-god, from ancient. 10:29 after the desolation of the equator PDF on their behalf Judas Maccabeus invaded the and. Mountain of Esau, and here the bones of Joseph were buried Canaan there were seventeen places Abraham. Destroyed by the great lakes on and South of the field it El-Elohe-Israel, ``.... 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Is still called the blue river ; so Nilah means `` darkblue, '' answering to Ai or.. Not counting the time in Haran the BKA Series situation of the worship of Sin, the,..., Genesis 34. ) 11, 16 ) with oil, to Egypt it is mentioned in the offers... Mentioned in the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., the land of Canaan and a major famine they. Commentary on the lower slopes of Gilboa the cities named by Rabshakeh as by! By Vespasian into Canaan, 3,780 years ago ( Genesis 42:18 ) Ge! 3800 years ago ( Genesis 24:1-10 ) or `` black. this name does occur... Sam 7:16 ) believed to have been rounded before Zoan ( i.e 3:12 obviously stands for whole! Valley, 3,040 ft. above sea-level find a wife for Isaac ( 24:1-10! Men 1Ch 11:35 report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free with oil to... To Harran and anointed it with oil, to mark the place was originally called Luz ( Gen 28:19 etc... 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