Ice cream poke poke. I can't even explain to you the last time my scale said that small of a number. Weight gain is really never the reason for divorce. Yep . How much weight has she gained so far? Hauling all that fat around and struggling with daily chores is a joy to watch. We have two extremes in America, a diet culture and an obesity culture. But I have a partner who adores fat men and she has absolutely no problem with me gaining weight. I am that fat wife. My wife was 170 and 5'6" when we met 20 years ago and she now weighs 530 pounds and I just love it and can't keep my hands off of all her fat. It does!!! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. 543 lbs and growing, and loving every new pound. Because if she is the type to be constantly trying to be a good fatty by constantly attempting some dumbass diet or worse yet, weightloss surgery, then both you and she will be miserable for the rest of your lives. Now she saggy and I'm kinda lost interest. Had a lot of naughty meetings too as a result - guys coming to enjoy her and play. Her OB was alarmed! Its fun to have great food and enjoy moments with delicious food! Iam happy with my weight. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Safe words are another great solution. Mine lost about 70lbs and has same issue with arms and legs but she says she will never gain it back. I ate so much, I still feel full a week later! Time to do some more porking! The fatter he gets, the less you have to convince yourself. Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, How to handle colleague/former friend rejection again, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, The Cambridge College Hurt/Heal Game [part 2], Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking, are there more doors or wheels in the world, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023, History NEA- John Guy Historian validity and analysis. My fianc is an attractive man and makes a good living. My wife has been more aggressive in her encouragement of me eating. Honestly, I didnt notice it before. I don't know if he's testing me for my reaction or what. Plump is the new normal. He is so beautifully big bellied now, that it's affecting his abilities to do certain s ex positions, which I find so hot. You cant really notice when Im wearing clothes, especially in the winter. I think you should bring it up to her. And glad I didnt figure out she likes me big year ago. It's not my place to be mad if he wants to less eat or drink fewer sodas. Have you been gaining any weight? F uck that! Bloated belly rubs are amazing, both for the person with the chubby belly and the person getting to love and rub on it. She thinks she likes it like that. You are allowed to feel like it sucks. When we got married, my 5'5" wife was chubby at 175 lbs. After the pregnancy, her blood sugar normalized, and she's still packing it on. It may take a bit of time for you to find yourself full-on, dying-to-bang attracted to him again, whether he loses weight or doesnt. We are experimenting with feeding which I like. As I stated, life is interesting and I wouldn't change a single thing for all the money in the world. Its just how I feel about it. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat belly and mushy chest are a turn on for me. So you should still put some care into his diet and exercise. There is nothing you have to gain from telling your partner that theyve gained weight and that you arent as horny for them because of it. Haha I assume the censored comment was "b-o-o-b-s." I don't know why but i think it's funny when guys get fat and they grow a pair, sorry LOL. couldnt keep my hands off her. He loves it, which is refreshing. My beautiful wife was never a waif. so he gets the calories and and resulting fat. A few weeks ago he told me, joking, that it's good I go frequently to the gym to look nice at bikini season. My boyfriend is part of the reason why I have got so fat. Im sorry for him and for you (and for me and for everyone else not involved) that weight is such a thorny, painful, loaded topic. I think this is common in straight dating generally, but there's additional pressure for fat women to have sex or be sexual during the get-to-know-you stage. This is a very sexy post! Having an obscenely fat gorgeous wife is truely one of life's extreme pleasures. Totally this. My cooking is too good! All rights reserved. I've blown past every milestone we've set, she has a heavy hand when it comes to feeding. Its just part of life. He didn't give a real clear reason. Applying to multiple unis with this course. By keeping his belly full and pushing him beyond his limits, in a few years you can really fill him out. Periodically, we also mention in some of the posts on this site to help serve you better. She has no idea how turned on I get. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. Pinterest. Its not weird at all; many people actually find chubby spouses adorable instead of repulsive, thinking they resemble a cute little teddy bear, and cuddling with them at night would be extra comfortable. Most would hate it, but some would like it. And he's a really cool guy-----BUT he doesn't workout, and never really has. My parents. Its only been 20 pounds. With her size now I have to have her track pants made and forget undergarments bras and panties they don't make any large enough for her. My boyfriend and I have been dating about 3 almost 4 months now. We have great s**, but have to take breaks to catch out breath sometimes. I can't wait to wake up and see my fat beautiful wife every morning and every night we have wonderful s**. My 3 girls and I are also very big, like your wife and kids. It sounds like a sentence out of the mouth of every guy who . A lot of people have been facing worse mental health during the pandemic, but even though its pretty normal and common right now, its still absolutely worth taking seriously. I've put on over 120lbs of pure fat since then, sitting around 322 now. Her next goal is 500 lbs. She never verbally discussed it with me but the bigger I kept getting the lovemaking and bigger fattening meals just kept coming. And I should admit that he seems really attractive to me when he's at home just in underwear, with his belly sticking out, his tights tighter and his butt getting rounder. At 31, I've been in a couple of long-term relationships before. Oh, I'm average height (5 ft 7). Oh yes. skinny and exercise every day but still not physically fit, Rejected from uni and feeling kind of down. Also, you might consider not posting in all capitals. I think I made the right decision not to go for surgery at 400lbs I qualify for gastric surgery . Im pleased that my girls have been accepted by their peers. Plenty of fat people are healthy. My boyfriend is getting fat and I like it. The looks we get are priceless and I can tell they are based in jealousy. Do you think it's cute, if he has lost inches? There are some advantages to living life with a little extra weight. He doesn't like the extra weight on him, but he seems to like when I grab his belly and moobs. Her belly has really grown. Now we are very happy and healthy and s** is amazing. S** is unbelievable for us. Seems like you dont mind that shes heavier now, too. He loves to look after me . Skinny fat is caused mainly by insufficient muscle mass, leading to a larger body fat percentage. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. Being comfortable in a committed relationship is more important than any dress size or pants size to me. He likes me real fat and say that i can keep eating what i wants. All contours sharply defined. I smokes weed to keep the morning sickness under control, tho i didnt really have any, but i likes to smoke weed, so i had a excuse! I know my wife, who loves to eat too much to worry about how fat she is or will become, really started to pack on the pounds after she became friends with a coworker who is even fatter the she is. It was a pretty rough birth as our daughter was very large, almost 12lbs so a c-section was performed. My favorite part is how now (when I'm fully stuffed), my belly blocks her head from view when she's going down on me. So its not a lack of honesty, its just that shes not ready to talk about it and Im respecting that. How much weight have you both gained? Im a big fat pig and getting fatter! I dont think a belly looks bad on a man and he has a strong frame and can carry the weight. and our If your boyfriend is annoyed with you, you must develop a good sense of humor and keep him light-headed. I'm afraid he'll think I've been up to something to no good this whole time, when it's mostly just me appreciating his body. The weight symbolizes a lack of effort to maintain the relationship, lack of sexual connection, failure to prioritize health or simply a growing apart. She had dieted down from around 400 for her wedding day and after we were married she told me that she hated every minute of the diet and that not being able to eat her favorite fattening foods was like torture. Maybe in micronutrient but it won't affect his weight at all. Now y'all need to know my family is fat and my hubsand totally encourages my getting fatter. Well, a year ago, I gots preggo, and the doctor's like, I gots to loose weight, cuz I was like 320 pounds and He says its gonna be a prob for the pregancy. Gain together - mutual gaining is great you get to point out where he is getting fat and needs to size up - poke poke - and he gets to see your belly rolls! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When we got married she told me she wanted me to become massively fat so No other woman would want me. Raised her eyebrows like she was disgusted in your suggestion or raised her eyebrows like shes interested in you getting fatter for her? Its definitely worth it in the end to achieve a healthier lifestyle. I love that full, heavy feeling of over eating with a full fat growing gut hitting the table. He loves to eat and at the end of a long day I love to see him happy. Its just attractive to me. It always becomes insanely Unhealthy. Associating food with s e x has definitely helped my husband in filling out. She has slowly thickened but its nothing compared to me. We'all think he looks like a real healthy plump boy. Copyright 20052023 Me too. Believe it or not plus sized clothing for children is easier to find in the UK than it is in the US. I don't know what to do. Here is a picture of me when my wife fell in love with me: This is me and my wife now: Not every person is shallow. At 709 pounds she still says she wants to get fatter for me and she has regular doctors checkups and so far all is good. Unfortunately, your boyfriend is one of them. Then show him some pictures of various bbws from 200-400 pounds. My wife loves it! I had always struggled to maintain even that weight, but he always was saying to eat as much as I want and not worry about my weight, so I did, and the pounds piled on in short order. Health is not moral. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. He will grow for you. Anonymous. On our tenth anniversary she was 295 lbs, and on our 20th she weighed 360. If it doesnt mean as much to you, maybe you do it for him. I am successful, greedy, indulgent, fatter than ever, and answer to piggy. On top of that, he has everything to lose from you saying it. Here are 9 signs that you should keep swiping. Show up, love him, give . You loved him previously, and Im virtually certain you still love him now. Not sure if I want to keep gaining because its just so foreign to me to not be in good shape. My hopes are the same for my girls. Then snuggle him and let him crush you with his pounds while, you knowfat boy s**! This is going to take effort, time, and patience, which very much sucks. People who have chronic illnesses who will not recover from them are not lesser than healthy people. I like to think that my tubby hubby is wearing my affection around his middle. He has stopped doing things he previously loved or at least liked. In Covid I gained 51 pounds. If youre in the middle of a hurricane, for example, you might not be like, Damn, my husband Harold has really sexy calves, even if they normally get you going. Should I tell him? They speak longingly about how fit their husbands were when they first met them and how unfit they are now. =( I feel so guilty for enjoying this. When we got married she was 325lbs. It made me skinny, pretty, and fake. If it bothers you, you will always be mad atHim for encouraging you to pack on some pounds. Lucky man. I dont have no plans for slowing down. I love having a takeaway once or twice a week. Obviously he loves you getting fatter! So please, help me. Just the sight of his boxers folding under his gut or seeing him try on clothes that are now too small for him.. My suggestion is to talk about it and if both of you can't come to an agreement and it doesn't sound like you're meant to be together. It's fun to eat all you want and your partner praises your weight gain. 65 pounds in 24 months is a lot. I purposely dont go to the doctor so he leaves me alone, and when I shows up in my 9th month, i f ucking nearly pass out when he sees me. If she likes to snack, have lots of them around. My (28F) girlfriend (29F) wanted me to gain weight early last year and I haven't been able to top since. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!!". Plus my mother-in-law is very handy with a needle and thread and she does a lot of custom clothing alterations for the kids and my wife. Brian was the type of guy I spent most . How much weight has she put on? A lot of the kids in my oldest daughter's preschool and now kindergarten are fat as well and it seems to becoming more and more common. So sweet! Just like some people are attracted to a gym rat and that mentality, others are attracted to a soft body and that mentality. Lot to loose but for you it sounds like you may have made your mind up. Is it hopeless? There is nothing more disappointing than when a fat bride loses weight for her wedding or loses weight after she is married. I may fatten him up by another 25 pounds just to make sure. Its not you can be , its you are unhealthy when you are fat. I'm a 14 yo virgin who hasn't had my period,is that normal? In those 7 years, I've managed to get him 350 pounds or so and am still feeding him lots of calories. If that changes which I personally doubt you can make another decision later. I love my fat husband! Who a I to take that away from him . link to Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. She might not want to say something because she doesnt want to hurt your feelings (if shes not into it). Can you touch each other more (gross sentence, sorry)? I write about why I'm fat and what has worked for me to lose weight and the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. Its not like hes unhealthy big but after 20 years together he is about 125 pounds bigger which sounds like a lot when I type it but really isnt. Whether it is actresses blowing up after pregnancy or menopause or billionaires with bulging bellies inflating with fat. Most of their friends are fat themselves, but my girls are still the fattest. Oh, the babys doing good, and I guess a bit chubby. He used to be slim and in shape, and now, he looks like a butterball. Also make sure you f*** him! My wife is also fat and it's so hot. Ive always been on the diet side of the conversation, but now that Ive put on some weight, I understand the obesity side much more. With an extra 50 pounds hell be nice and chubby with a starter belly to rub and hell be putty in your hands to get as big as you want him. Among these, BIA Scales and Devices give you the most accurate estimation, which is very important. Awww, does someone need their bloated belly rubbed? Lots of ice cream, desserts and soft drinks. But he has been super sweet about my weight gain, so Im a little conflicted!! Long story short, Ive been in fairly good shape my entire life. I should be able to push her way up over 600lbs in the next year. Im the same way. Shes coming off hip surgery so is a lot less active. I told her she could never be too fat for my liking and right then she said then she would grow for me and now she is a a beautiful 709 pound beauty and still stuffing herself with all the fattening foods that I buy for her. She looked positively massive on the birthing table and the nurses barely knew how to handle all that gorgeous pregnant blubber. Lucky man. And why? Privacy Policy. Nobody f****** asked you. The first time I saw him shirtless, my jaw dropped. Startle him into a state of frenzy with, "Shit, babe! Tease him! Nothing like 200 pounds of jiggly fat to announce TAKEN!. She's gorgeous, greedy and very sexy. Ooof, me too. Definitely not my choice. I keep myself in shape as I have to take care of my gorgeous huge wife and my plump little darlings. Shes thickening up a little now, and its a dream come true. Has anyone discussed it with their partner and how do you approach the conversation? She seems to finally be accepting that shes just going to be a little more matronly. You just need to find one that's cool with being fat. I understand that. My 1.5 year old is almost 80 lbs. His legs and arms are still quite lean. I thinks yeah whatever. That was a little over a year ago and now I have a 520lb wife and a 2 little girls that very much take after their mom. What kind of fattening dishes? Feeling that my pants dont fit anymore is a turn on. She's gonna have to lift my belly though if she wants me. If you did get fat, how do you think others would react? Its making me concerned about you. A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. We dont need to unite here - were already everywhere! He had never mentioned being into bigger girls before we dated and married. As I stated previously many of the kids at my oldest daughter's school seen to be quite chubby but none are as chubby as my daughter. Have fun! I'm turned on just thinking about it. Assistir Fulham X Leeds - Ao Vivo Grtis HD sem travar, sem anncios. I had finally reached my goal weight of 98 pounds. Morris McLennan as a kid. Huge sagging belly and t***. Sounds nice. Hes up 30 pounds and Im up 22 pounds. I've agreed to gain more. Does it mean I never loved him? A few more indulgent calories when I feel like a snack or a special dessert. Can you take walks with the dog together? When we were dating, he was 170 pounds. He is fully aware, Im sure, that his body has changed. Now, she says, his 6-ft.-1-inch frame is "more than a little fleshy and mushy" and the weight . In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. "Taking care of your hubby by fattening him up is the ultimate expression of love! Some people are just attracted to fat, overweight, plus-size, etc. I feel very, very shameful and bad. Slap him and leave. As for safely backing out, avoid your place for the hookups. He's not depressed or angry or bitter -- he just makes these comments here and there. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being a replacement for Professional Doctors advice. If she is into it, and you ask, and shes honest with you, it could open up a whole new phase of your relationship that you both could mutually indulge in and enjoy, and it wouldnt have to be this hush-hush secret anymore. I dont know if he is aware of or concerned about his habit changes, but if he isnt seeing a therapist or hasnt talked to a doctor, heres what I would say: Babe, I love you so much, but Ive noticed that a lot of your hobbies have kind of fallen to the wayside recently and Im taking care of Gingerbread (Im guessing your dogs name) a lot more than I used to. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. And yeah I love it when it happens to me. I wish and Im fairly certain youd agree that weight didnt have such a cultural significance placed on it. A girl who loves big boys finally finds one who likes to eat. At no point in that decade-long . I know I'm being selfish by wanting him a way he might not be happy with. My husband is fattening up even without my help. But its the truth. 5. She hasnt said too much. If you try again and he continues to be defensive about this or wont take any steps to care for himself, then, OK, you have a new problem. He has a slight double chin now that I also think is sexy. Drink some more soda than before. Nothing like a big hanging fat bag. S** just keeps getting better each year, and she has said she doesn't plan to change her eating habits until she's 500. Healthy diet ( FREE ) chart for you to copy. It might be a hard process of bulking up and then cutting down. There is always next year to shape up! I can't wait until it blocks her even when I haven't been stuffed. He was not the same guy that he used to be when I met him and I don't know if that's what caused him to be fat, of if he became fat because of who he was becoming. My belly is noticeably bigger, my friends even notice. Im realizing that as I put on some weight. I'm not that tall so it's a lot - I'm 5'7 and at the moment I weigh 234 pounds. 19 "I Don't Believe In Marriage". I keep getting fatter and she keeps aggressively offering me desserts and seconds. But it's amazing how often we jump through psychological hoops of self-justification to . I put on weight for him and he likes to talk about it am his big girl. Copyright 20052023 Then life gets really interesting. Funny how an average american woman life packs on the pounds ha. Ive tried, but shes just not comfortable talking about it. No idea how turned on I get my entire life won & # x27 t... And his fat belly and the person getting to love and rub on it and there that. Themselves, but shes just not comfortable talking about it and Im fairly certain youd agree that weight didnt such... Should keep swiping just kept coming story short, Ive been in fairly good shape entire! Of over eating with a little more matronly are now because she doesnt want to keep gaining its. Goal weight of 98 pounds bitter -- he just makes these comments and. Of 98 pounds him light-headed barely knew how to handle all that gorgeous pregnant blubber me.... 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