Mike DeWine. Her clinic sells nutritional products and training programs priced at up to $5,435. Have just come across Pam Poppers work. The Ohio Stands Up! Renz has been paid by Americas Frontline Doctors at a fair rate for nonprofit legal advice, a spokesman for the group said in an email, adding that they contacted him after noticing his earlier work related to issues tied to the coronavirus response. was the first stands up organization of its kind and we have many states following suit (Please visit America Stands Up! Ohio Stands Up! Updated: Feb 8, 2023 / 10:42 PM EST. United together we can continue growing our movement to educate on the reality of COVID-19 while working to restore freedoms for all freedom-loving people. fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! The Post does not enter into such agreements. I have a strange feeling that the judges and the jury will be bought by the gill bates (rockefeller clan) money. And even if it goes to trial there is a great chance it will be closed to public and everyone present will be NDAed to keep their mouth shut. While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! Renzs organization promotes charity and Christianity, and its website encourages treating others as you would want to be treated, being kind and respectful and being decent to people and helping them., The site also is a donor destination, with the website of Renzs law firm directing people to 4GFCs website and asking for support to fund litigation in the Medical Freedom Fight.. Unfortunately, our private Facebook page was scrubbed in the summer of 2021 by Facebook; however, our public Facebook page remains. The charge: DeWine has created massive damage through lockdowns and other "containment measures" designed to stop the spread of the purported coronavirus. would like to buffer some of the financial hardship when possible. Renz filed two more federal coronavirus related lawsuits in Ohio, along with similar suits in federal courts in New Mexico, Maine, Kentucky, Michigan and Alabama. As a resident of Ohio, I am thrilled and proud to see folks standing up to the oppressive tyranny from our supposedly educated electorate. Ohio Stands Up! I hope and pray Kennedys suit wins. Wondering the same. The problem with suing a state in terms of financial penalties is that win or lose, the taxpayer loses. DeWine, 75, is a fixture of the state's Republican establishment whose leadership in the early days of the pandemic earned admiration from independents and Democrats. These paramount cases have far-reaching potential to set good precedent for all Ohioans. Renz, who became a licensed attorney only months before the pandemic began, has rapidly gained prominence among covid-19 skeptics for leading federal lawsuits in six states that challenge shutdowns, mask mandates and the safety of vaccines while alleging that the danger of the virus has been overblown. at 419- 455-1585. The video showed Thomas Renz, an attorney for Ohio Stands Up, a citizen group, make the opening testimony during a House committee hearing on a bill that would allow lawmakers to vote down public health orders during the pandemic. To date, five of the original board members remain. Masks are dangerous, prevent proper breathing, and provide no real protection against this virus, according to multiple studies. DeWine, 74, is a fixture of Ohio politics a former lieutenant governor, attorney general and U.S. senator who fulfilled a long-held ambition of being governor in 2018. A fundraising campaign by the group to pay Renzs legal bills has collected more than $147,000 from almost 2,000 people, according to its webpage. If there was justice in NY, squatters wouldnt have rights. will continue to stand up and, stand with Ohioans seeking legal action against overreaching policies which threaten the individuals right to, bodily autonomy and medical freedom. Founded in April of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! Attorney Renz, for the plaintiffs, is well aware of this, and his filing is studded with bold and accurate claims of fact: According to recent data from the Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard, we can see that the spike in cases is actually just a spike in testing. All but two of the eight coronavirus-related federal lawsuits Renz has filed are in their early stages. Perfect, all things considered in terms of direct action. On the final paragraph of page 39 of a document published by the FDA regarding instructions for a COVID-19 test is the following quote: Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/L) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen., In plain English this means that there are no available pure 2019-nCOVvirus isolates to test against so instead an educated best guess is being used. The Bio-weapons theory is some of the most laughable ones. The allegation is at odds with clinical trials and studies that have found the vaccines are safe and effective, and also with a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statement that a review of medical data has not established a causal link between the vaccines and deaths. Amid the ongoing response to the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, some have questioned why the state has not yet received assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We need to become ungovernable to succeed: agree JB- Thomas Renz, an attorney from Ohio who attended the recent Health and Freedom Conference in Tulsa, Okla., is suing both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for lying about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And a 222-word passage in Renzs complaint in Maine matches almost verbatim a section of a September 2020 opinion by a federal judge in Pennsylvania. Ohio . After all, if these corporations were on board and completely concerned with this pandemic, wouldnt they insist on taking the complete testing protocol instead of avoiding a highly potential Positive that may come from the full procedure? The Ohio Stands Up! A second woman wrote to the CEO alleging that Renz made sexually suggestive comments to her and joked about masturbation. I cant access any of it. Actual science matters. Because plaintiffs will incur legal costs, Ohio Stands Up! I just think we need to keep our minds open to the possibility that it may not have the impact we are all hoping for, and in that case, we need to be prepared for a darker reality to unfold. Its California! Taking them to court is better than nothing but its too little too late. "Ohio Governor Mike DeWine spoke with officials at the White House early this morning to address the need for federal help. A rapidly growing number of Ohioans recognize this and understand that, if they dont stand up and speak out, it could be too late because a precedent has been set, according to Gargasz. Ohio Stands Up! Once they roll out 5G at ultra high frequencies, they will have real data to justify their emergency actions. I want to welcome all our new members and thank everyone that has supported Ohio Stands Up! elected to withdraw from the suit so that our financial resources could be shifted and applied solely to Ohioans in need. We have autonomy in our medical-decision making, Mendenhall said. Jeanine Pirro said during Fox News' The Five this week. & Mendenhall Law Firm share the Ohio University and Smuckers lawsuit. Subscribe below so that we can be certain to reach you in the event that social media removes our online presence completely. Please connect with us on Facebook at, Please consider signing up for email notifications at, 11/4/21 Ohio Stands Up! . DeWine is a former US senator and representative while Whaley is the former mayor of Dayton, Ohio. Newsweek reached out to FEMA for comment. If it doesnt, it will be affirmation of a crooked, money influenced system. One of Renzs co-counsels was filmed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. Between June and July of 2020, we were introduced to attorney Robert Gargasz, who in turn introduced us to attorney Thomas Renz of Fremont, Ohio. Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald spend time with Jason and Renee Hedges. Based on what we know about the consequences the emergency order has caused to the physical, financial, and mental well-being of Ohioans, and the vitality of Ohio communities, this is truly a crime against humanity, and it must not be allowed to continue., PLEASE SHARE/FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ALL OF YOUR CONTACTS. In recent months, Renz secured his own online talk show and has joined associates of Trump such as former national security adviser and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and veteran political operative Roger Stone on a national speaking tour titled ReAwaken America. He has made more than 100 appearances on conservative media outlets over the past year, a Post review found, including on One America News, Newsmax and Infowars. In January, Gold was arrested and charged by federal prosecutors with entering a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct after she was photographed inside the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riots. my guess this suit is all staged to set precedence protecting states, cities etc from liabilitythe courts are rigged, yes, with the vile ones, the only way to win is not to play. We are assisting Warner Mendenhall in triaging these prospective cases. The people that are dying are vaccinated, he said on a conservative online talk show in July. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name Ohio Stands Up! and the name resonated. BY THE WAY, HAS ANYONE SEEN THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT ON MAINSTREAM MEDIA?? One side is against abortion, the other is not, etc I dont know why Americans cant grasp this simple concept. Other Globalist puppets like World Economic Forum and The Economist too are advocating peace instead of military conflict, resumption of businesses and reopening of educational institutions. Too bad, because this should provide precedent (no isolation of covid) to stand up against vaccination, especially if mandated, either nationwide or locally. The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths, Renz said. It makes it very uncomfortable to be alone in his office discussing business, she wrote. As a show of support for the trucker convey in Canada, we have vacated Go Fund Me in light of their recent actions against the trucker convoy fundraising campaign. . But a win would shut down any more lockdowns (significantly a prison term as the governors have become the wardens of their states), and the trial process itself would be quite educational for the public. Attorney Warner Mendenhall has been exposing and fighting government corruption for over 20 years. Renz alleged in a news release that the government response to the pandemic amounted to the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public.. board will be reviewing cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. held our very first official fundraiser and social event in Akron, Ohio at Wise Guys Lounge and Grill. Tom Renz 415-351-4248 renzlawllc@gmail.com, Ohio Stands Up! All donations go toward legal and educational efforts and our board members work strictly on a voluntary basis. Very informative interview with the great G. Edward Griffin. Legal Briefs provides insights into our federal lawsuit by our attorneys in brief 2-7 minute episodes. Let's talk about the Ohio Stands Up! Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Both sides are the same, but they pretend to be different to divide the people. Sue medical cartel/industry for going along with it. Another has called the governments pandemic response a psychological operation aimed at weakening resistance to tyranny, while a third said during last years protests against police that rioters should be mowed down with machine guns. Im happy to announce, Ohio Stands Up! Renz did not respond to a question about how much 4GFC had raised but said none of that money had yet been spent. The legislation limits DeWine's declarations of emergency to 90 days barring a legislative extension. https://pradelab.okstate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COV4.pdf, Your email address will not be published. Shortly after, Jen launched the private Facebook page called Ohioans Against Mandatory Masks and the page amassed a strong following throughout the summer of 2020. The employee alleged that the conduct had gotten more aggressive over the previous year. The only way is civil disobedience and were running out of time. Ohio Stands Up! This sounds like a pretty sure fire way (no pun intended) to accomplish some of the main points on their agenda: 1) fulfill their eugenics dream of eliminating massive swathes of the population, 2) frighten everybody into submission, and 3) convince everyone that the vaccine is both necessary and desirable. from ticked off neuropsychologist. Then the rest of the population can remain asleep, giving away its individual power to that, while remaining hoping for the best. It is absurd that people are mistreated because they choose to not get a shot. He noted that natural immunity is overlooked and it can be at least six times stronger than the vaccine. would like to buffer some of the financial hardship when possible. Latest updates East Palestine Update - 2/25/23 Please share our Give Send Go campaign, as your donations allow Ohio Stands Up! People at low risk from the virus should be exposed to it so they can develop herd immunity and reduce the risk to vulnerable groups, according to Dr Martin Feeley, clinical director of the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group. They know that we will not take their vaccine and that we will not go quite as submissively into another lock down. The briefing came nearly a week. acquired 501(c)(4) nonprofit status in October of 2021 and we operate as an autonomous organization. As he ran for re-election,. In 1992, when term-limits passed, Ohio's per capita personal income was 95.09% of the comparable national figure; in 2021, nearly 30 years into term-limits, Ohio's per capital personal income . The exceptions are a suit against a hospital system in Michigan that was withdrawn on Sept. 10, days after it was filed, and one against Ohio officials that was withdrawn in March after a judge said it was nearly incomprehensible.. Mike DeWine and state officials provided an update on the East Palestine train derailment at a press conference on Tuesday. Acton's leadership working with Republican Gov. I have emailed notice of this court filing to the Mayor of my hometown and an Ohio State Senator, both Democrats. is proud to announce that this small firm in Akron, Ohio is dedicated to representing and litigating cases involving unconstitutional COVID policies impacting Ohioans. There is zero basis for a state of emergency, Renz said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVPFzcj_yfc&ab_channel=KevinA, I still havent read this: https://republicofkanata.ca/. Jon If scares me. The judiciary is compromised by biased pimps working under the elites. Is there any reason it would not go to trial? Good website, and it is right on the money. The State of Ohio violated the U.S. Constitution with an emergency declaration that ignores the fundamental rights of all Ohioans. Founded in April of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! That equals an abuse of power, and its happening at federal, state and local level and at colleges and universities. Mike DeWines emergency order. Our mission encapsulates a three-tiered approach and lawsuits are just one area of focus. We are waking up to the fact that the COVID-19 injection is not stopping spread, Mendenhall added. donations also helped fund a portion of this much needed suit. The plaintiffs in this case have all been injured in various capacities by these unconstitutional actions, and without action by the Court, will be left without redress. We also have a strong following on MeWe. And already this vaccine has become as sexy and cool as a 50 ft. swastika draped over a syringe. Two female employees at the credit union accused him of repeatedly making sexually suggestive comments at work and one alleged he touched her breast in 2014, according to letters the women wrote to the credit unions chief executive that were obtained by The Post. In July Jan. 6 riot economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American,... Individual power to that, while remaining hoping for the best reason it would go. Renzlawllc @ gmail.com, Ohio at Wise Guys Lounge and Grill provides insights into our federal lawsuit by our in! 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