To characterize further the function of these two domains, we demonstrate in this report that the previously described major nuclear localization signal works together with Lys(305)-Arg(306) to form a bipartite and functional nuclear localization sequence (NLS) for p53 nuclear import. However, multipotent progenitors lack the ability to self-renew, therefore their mitotic capacity and expansion potential are limited and they are destined to eventually stop proliferating after a finite number of cell divisions. View details for Web of Science ID 000186230600042, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2614897, View details for Web of Science ID 000184162600127. Within 24-48 hr, viral RNA expression increased at least four- to eightfold. He has published internationally on the ecology and conservation biology of birds, reptiles, mammals, fish and plants. View details for Web of Science ID A1991GR93700016. X-ray irradiated cells expressing wtp53 displayed microscopic and biochemical characteristics consistent with cell death due to apoptosis. Therefore, senescence of stem cells must be prevented. Finally, we show evidence that these properties are maintained in the context of an adenoviral vector (AdEHhrk). Breast cancers contain a minority population of cancer cells characterized by CD44 expression but low or undetectable levels of CD24 (CD44+CD24-/low) that have higher tumorigenic capacity than other subtypes of cancer cells.We compared the gene-expression profile of CD44+CD24-/low tumorigenic breast-cancer cells with that of normal breast epithelium. Reinitz, F., Chen, E. Y., Nicolis di Robilant, B., Chuluun, B., Antony, J., Jones, R. C., Gubbi, N., Lee, K., Ho, W. H., Kolluru, S. S., Qian, D., Adorno, M., Piltti, K., Anderson, A., Monje, M., Heller, H. C., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F. LEFTY1 Is a Dual-SMAD Inhibitor that Promotes Mammary Progenitor Growth and Tumorigenesis. The results indicate that locally produced GM-CSF and IL-3 do augment hematopoiesis for several weeks in culture. The isolation and characterization of these stem cells should help elucidate the molecular pathways that govern normal mammary development and carcinogenesis. p16Ink4a deficiency partially reverses the self-renewal defect in Bmi-1-/- neural stem cells. This raises the issue of whether there is a conserved mechanism to effect self-renewing divisions. View details for Web of Science ID A1984SJ97500057. Arthur C. Clarke, in full Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, (born December 16, 1917, Minehead, Somerset, Englanddied March 19, 2008, Colombo, Sri Lanka), English writer, notable for both his science fiction and his nonfiction. We then determined the effects of intratumoral injection of bcl-xs adenovirus on solid MCF-7 tumors in nude mice. On the basis of the wild-type adenovirus type 5, we have constructed a conditionally replicative adenovirus (Ad5ERE2) in which the E1a and E4 promoters have been replaced by a portion of the pS2 promoter containing two estrogen-responsive elements (EREs). Vorperian, S. K., Moufarrej, M. N., Tabula Sapiens Consortium, Quake, S. R., Jones, R. C., Karkanias, J., Krasnow, M., Pisco, A. O., Quake, S. R., Salzman, J., Yosef, N., Bulthaup, B., Brown, P., Harper, W., Hemenez, M., Ponnusamy, R., Salehi, A., Sanagavarapu, B. To see if a limited sampling of tumor tissue from human subjects is a feasible way to gather Finally, the laboratory is actively pursuing how cancer stem cells self-renew to maintain themselves and escape the genetic constraints on unlimited self-renewal that regulate normal stem cell numbers. The development of CSC-targeted treatments will face a number of potential hurdles, including normal stem cell toxicity and the acquisition of treatment resistance, which must be considered in order to maximize the chance that such therapies will be successful. The regulation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) homeostasis is not well understood. Following synchronization by density arrest, transfected cells released into G1 at 32.5 degrees C were found to lose viability more rapidly than did randomly growing cultures. This phenotypic diversity is driven by a small subset of mammary tumour stem cells. By immunohistochemical analysis, the CD44(+) cells in the tumor express high levels of nuclear BMI1, and are arrayed in characteristic tumor microdomains. Oncogenesis is a process resulting from genetic events which cause loss of growth control or inhibition of appropriate cell death. These data, taken together with similar findings with other human neoplasms, show that CD47 is a commonly expressed molecule on all cancers, its function to block phagocytosis is known, and blockade of its function leads to tumor cell phagocytosis and elimination. Here we performed bulk RNA sequencing of 17 organs and plasma proteomics at 10 ages across the lifespan of Mus musculus, and integrated these findings with data from the accompanying Tabula Muris Senis2-or 'Mouse Ageing Cell Atlas'-which follows on from the original Tabula Muris3. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the CD44(+) cancer cells have a primitive cellular morphology and costain with the basal cell marker Cytokeratin 5/14, whereas the CD44(-) cancer cells resemble differentiated squamous epithelium and express the differentiation marker Involucrin. Chen, E. C., Karl, T. A., Kalisky, T., Gupta, S. K., O'Brien, C. A., Longacre, T. A., van de Rijn, M., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F., Rothenberg, M. E. miR-142 regulates the tumorigenicity of human breast cancer stem cells through the canonical WNT signaling pathway. Cells that were kept density arrested at 32.5 degrees C (G0) lost viability at a much slower rate than did cells released into G1. One of these, the goblet cells, contained a distinct cKit/CD117(+) crypt base subpopulation that expressed Dll1, Dll4, and epidermal growth factor, similar to Paneth cells, which were also marked by cKit. The lactate/glucose and ammonia/glutamine yield coefficients, however, remained invariant at about 1.9 and 1.0 mol/mol, respectively, under all medium perfusion conditions. Cho, R. W., Wang, X., Diehn, M., Shedden, K., Chen, G. Y., Sherlock, G., Gurney, A., Lewicki, J., Clarke, M. F. What can we learn about breast cancer from stem cells? Adjunct Professor Michael Whitehouse. We demonstrate that reversing impaired NPC self-renewal via genetic reduction of USP16, a histone modifier and critical physiological antagonist of the Polycomb Repressor Complex 1, can prevent downstream cognitive defects and decrease astrogliosis in vivo. A locus on chromosome 17, including the H-2 complex, was significantly linked to the frequency of long-term self-renewing HSCs but showed no evidence of linkage to the frequency of restricted progenitors. Facebook gives people the power. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.stem.2013.06.012. In vitro, blockade of CD47 signaling using targeted monoclonal antibodies enabled macrophage phagocytosis of tumor cells that were otherwise protected. It has been reported that Lysine-305 is needed for the nuclear import of the p53 protein (Liang et al., 1998). Professor Michael Clarke is a Fellow of King's College London. [1] Clarke is a former Deputy Vice-Principal and Director of Research Development at King's College London, where he remains a Visiting Professor of Defence Studies. This conserved requirement for Bmi-1 to promote self-renewal and to repress p16Ink4a expression suggests that a common mechanism regulates the self-renewal and postnatal persistence of diverse types of stem cell. Regulation of normal and cancer stem cell self renewal and senescence by USP16. These included transcription factors, signaling molecules, and previously unknown genes. View details for Web of Science ID A1990DX36100002, View details for Web of Science ID A1989T821800013. Jasty, R., Lu, J. Y., Irwin, T., Suchard, S., Clarke, M. F., Castle, V. P. Cooperation of a single lysine mutation and a C-terminal domain in the cytoplasmic sequestration of the p53 protein, A method of limited replication for the efficient in vivo delivery of adenovirus to cancer cells. Although wild-type p53 is expressed in virtually all neuroblastoma tumors, treatment failures secondary to inadequate local control with radiotherapy are a problem in patients with advanced stage disease. In many cases, breast cancer cells retain the expression of estrogen receptors, and most solid tumors suffer from hypoxia as a consequence of their aberrant vascularization. Fifteen (52%) received both transplants. Caldwell, J., LOCEY, B., Clarke, M. F., Emerson, S. G., Palsson, B. O. DIFFERENTIATION OF MOUSE ERYTHROLEUKEMIA-CELLS ENHANCED BY ALTERNATIVELY SPLICED C-MYB MESSENGER-RNA. 444 Hutchison (585) 275-3432 Pagination. The metabolic and secretory characteristics of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts transfected with a cDNA encoding human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) were examined as a function of the culture medium exchange schedule. Traditional methods of implementing this assay are lengthy, cumbersome and require a large number of cells, making it difficult to study rare cell types such as certain cancer and stem cells. in Management and an M.S. Here, we report that genetic or pharmacologic Hedgehog pathway inhibition intensifies colon inflammation (colitis) in mice. (Funded by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, the National Institutes of Health, and others.). The productivity of cultures exposed to conCM for 4 weeks dropped significantly when unsupplemented medium was used for the latter 4 weeks of culture. Sikandar, S. S., Kuo, A. H., Kalisky, T. n., Cai, S. n., Zabala, M. n., Hsieh, R. W., Lobo, N. A., Scheeren, F. A., Sim, S. n., Qian, D. n., Dirbas, F. M., Somlo, G. n., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F. Control of inflammation by stromal Hedgehog pathway activation restrains colitis. Russian forces are. Therefore, to better treat cancer it may be necessary to develop novel methods to overcome the effects of the Bcl-2 family. View details for Web of Science ID A1992KX78000004. Chen, E. C., Karl, T. A., Kalisky, T., Gupta, S. K., O'Brien, C. A., Longacre, T. A., De Rijn, M. V., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F., Rothenberg, M. E. KIT Signaling Promotes Growth of Colon Xenograft Tumors in Mice and Is Up-Regulated in a Subset of Human Colon Cancers. A shift-up in medium perfusion rates from 3.5/week to 7/week resulted in increased metabolic rates that resembled those observed in the cultures that were exchanged at the 7/week rate throughout, showing that the metabolic rates could be directly controlled by the perfusion rate. In combination with geometric and dynamic approaches to reconstructing physiological bone marrow microenvironments, we believe that this approach has promise for reconstructing human bone marrow ex vivo, thereby permitting its application to a variety of basic and clinical problems. Identification of pancreatic cancer stem cells and further elucidation of the signaling pathways that regulate their growth and survival may provide novel therapeutic approaches to treat pancreatic cancer, which is notoriously resistant to standard chemotherapy and radiation. In contrast, AdEHE2F was attenuated in nontransformed quiescent cells growing under normoxic conditions, suggesting that an intact pRB pathway with low levels of E2F transcription factors acts as a negative modulator for the virus. Notably, subsets of CSCs in some human and murine breast tumours contain lower ROS levels than corresponding non-tumorigenic cells (NTCs). View details for Web of Science ID 000171898900054. Constitutive expression of mbm2, in contrast to c-myb, here resulted in enhanced differentiation of F-MEL cells. These sequences, when compared with those previously reported for the human c-myb gene, reveal an alternative splicing process that generates at least four forms of the c-myb message. In this study, we report that miR-142 efficiently recruits the APC mRNA to an RNA-induced silencing complex, activates the canonical WNT signaling pathway in an APC-suppression dependent manner, and activates the expression of miR-150. Five thousand cDNA clones with very low hybridization signals were selected for sequencing and further analysis using microarrays on glass slides. Han, J. S., Nunez, G., Wicha, M. S., Clarke, M. F. Prevention of fluorodeoxyuridine-induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage in HT29 colon carcinoma cells by conditional expression of wild-type p53 phenotype. New treatment modalities are needed for the latter group. Published Oct. 2, 2020 Updated Oct. 5, 2020. He served as the Head of the School of Life Sciences from 2011-2019. Coexpression of bcl-2 and c-myc can totally overcome p53-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest by altering the subcellular trafficking of p53 during the cell cycle: the p53 remains in the cytoplasm of the cotransfected cells during a critical period in G1. When combined with the prognostic criteria of the National Institutes of Health, the IGS was used to stratify patients with high-risk early breast cancer into prognostic categories (good or poor); among patients with a good prognosis, the 10-year rate of metastasis-free survival was 81%, and among those with a poor prognosis, it was 57%. A., Ozawa, M. G., Silva, O., Toland, A., Vemuri, V. N., Afik, S., Awayan, K., Bierman, R., Botvinnik, O. The mechanism of leukaemogenic transformation by human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus (HTLV), a retrovirus implicated in the aetiology of certain adult T-cell leukaemias and lymphomas, is unknown but is conceivably associated with the expression of the cellular analogues of retroviral oncogenes. However, the consequences of the underlying gene-dosage imbalance on adult tissues remain poorly understood. Until 2001 he was Deputy Vice-Principal and Director for Research Development at King's College London, where he remains a Visiting Professor of Defence Studies. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of Bcl-xS expression on the viability of NB cells. Betancur, P. A., Abraham, B. J., Yiu, Y. Y., Willingham, S. B., Khameneh, F., Zarnegar, M., Kuo, A. H., McKenna, K., Kojima, Y., Leeper, N. J., Ho, P., Gip, P., Swigut, T., Sherwood, R. I., Clarke, M. F., Somlo, G., Young, R. A., Weissman, I. L. Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: Evolving Paradigms and Future Directions. Our objective was to identify a mouse model of breast cancer stem cells that could have relevance to the study of human breast cancer. The presence of the concentrated conditioned medium (conCM) enhanced the production of nonadherent cells three-fold compared with control over an eight week culture period. Fundamentally, the system is the paradigm of a complex interactive tissue, in which the proliferation and regulated differentiation of one parenchymal cell type (the hematopoietic stem cell) is governed by the surrounding stromal cells. The tumor suppressor protein p53 has been identified as a key regulator of apoptosis in both normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. In experiments on nude mice bearing HeLa ascites tumors, intraperitoneal injection of AdRSVlaclys/pE1 resulted in a significantly higher percentage of infected HeLa cells as compared with the PBS controls (p < 0.05) or the AdRSVlaclys/pUC19 controls (p < 0.01). Pancreatic cancer cells with the CD44(+)CD24(+)ESA(+) phenotype (0.2-0.8% of pancreatic cancer cells) had a 100-fold increased tumorigenic potential compared with nontumorigenic cancer cells, with 50% of animals injected with as few as 100 CD44(+)CD24(+)ESA(+) cells forming tumors that were histologically indistinguishable from the human tumors from which they originated. As well as addressing the patient's medical needs, these highly trained professionals . He is member of the Board of Parks Victoria. Here we describe a role for cell-intrinsic toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2; which is involved in inflammatory response) signalling in normal intestinal and mammary epithelial cells and oncogenesis. Tom Hanks. The Thy-1-CD24medCD49fhigh phenotype contains a rare progenitor population that is able to form primary mammary outgrowths with significantly decreased serial in vivo transplantation potential.CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, Thy-1 expression in the immature cell compartment is a useful tool to study the functional heterogeneity that drives mammary gland development and has implications for disease etiology. Two cDNA clones of the human c-myb gene have been isolated from a CCRF-CEM leukemia cell cDNA library and sequenced in their entirety. He is a board certified oncologist with extensive training in molecular biology and stem cell biology. The N-bGM-CSFs demonstrated GM-CSF receptor specific binding that was displaceable by excess underivatized protein, with the detected fluorescence signal decreasing with increasing biotin to protein molar ratio. He is a board certified oncologist with extensive training in molecular biology and stem cell biology. Michael Clarke Duncan was born on December 10, 1957 in Chicago, Illinois. Search by Name. Understanding and reproducing the molecular interactions between bone marrow stromal cells and stem cells in tissue culture models is therefore the critical step in successful bone marrow tissue culture. Diehn, M., Cho, R. W., Ailles, L., Lam, J. S., Kaplan, M. J., Somlo, G., Weissman, I. L., Clarke, M. F. Implications of Cancer Stem Cells for Tumor Metastasis. These breast tumors are comprised of phenotypically diverse populations of breast cancer cells. The prognostic power of the IGS was increased when combined with the wound-response (WR) signature.The IGS is strongly associated with metastasis-free survival and overall survival for four different types of tumors. The existence of CSCs mandates careful analysis and comparison of normal tissue stem cells and CSCs to identify differences between the two cell types. The GM-CSF production by the transfected 3T3 cells was stable but exhibited substantial transient increases during periods of cell proliferation, demonstrating that the secretion of transfected gene products can be highly modulated even when the cDNA is driven from a constitutive promoter. Subsequently, the majority of tumors adapt to the withdrawal of KrasG12D expression and return. We show that single-cell RNA-seq can be used to perform accurate quantitative transcriptome measurement in individual cells with a relatively small number of sequencing reads and that sequencing large numbers of single cells can recapitulate bulk transcriptome complexity. A key event in this process is the deregulation of normal self-renewal in these cells. This promoter induces transcriptional activation of the E1a and E4 units in response to estrogens in cells that express the ERs. Clinical and Therapeutic Implications of Cancer Stem Cells. Taken together, these data demonstrate that cells within the CD44(+) population of human HNSCC possess the unique properties of cancer stem cells in functional assays for cancer stem cell self-renewal and differentiation and form unique histological microdomains that may aid in cancer diagnosis. In concert with endogenous DMSO-induced globin transcription during MEL cell differentiation, the beta-globin c-myb transcription unit of the transfected plasmid is activated after 3-5 days of culture in media containing DMSO. In order to better understand HSC self-renewal, we need to understand how these pathways are coordinated. In normal mouse epithelium, LEFTY1 expression in a subset of luminal cells and rare basal cells opposes BMP7 to promote ductal branching. These chemically reactive forms of biotin produced derivatives biotinylated at amine or carboxyl groups, respectively. Prince, M. E., Sivanandan, R., Kaczorowski, A., Wolf, G. T., Kaplan, M. J., Dalerba, P., Weissman, I. L., Clarke, M. F., Ailles, L. E. Chromosome 5q deletion and epigenetic suppression of the gene encoding alpha-catenin (CTNNA1) in myeloid cell transformation. Adjunct Associate Professor David Welsh. The combination of IL-3 + GM-CSF + Epo generated the most prolific cultures with an order of magnitude increase in nonadherent cell production from weeks 2 through 8 in culture as compared with unsupplemented controls. Analysis of the surface molecule repertoire of EpCAM(high)/CD44+ cells led to the identification of CD166 as an additional differentially expressed marker, useful for CSC isolation in three of three CRC tested. View details for Web of Science ID A1991GV58400008. Programmed cell death (PCD) plays an important role in normal and malignant hematopoieis. Dalerba, P., Sahoo, D., Paik, S., Guo, X., Yothers, G., Song, N., Wilcox-Fogel, N., Forgo, E., Rajendran, P. S., Miranda, S. P., Hisamori, S., Hutchison, J., Kalisky, T., Qian, D., Wolmark, N., Fisher, G. A., van de Rijn, M., Clarke, M. F. CDX2 as a Prognostic Biomarker in Stage II and Stage III Colon Cancer. These findings have important implications for the development and evaluation of oncologic therapies and present opportunities for potential gains in patient outcome. Using an ELISA assay which quantitates DNA damage, we demonstrate that this sensitization is due to apoptosis, suggesting the therapeutic utility of targeting this pathway. van Weele, L. J., Djomehri, S. I., Cai, S., Antony, J., Sikandar, S. S., Qian, D., Ho, W. H., West, R., Scheeren, F. A., Clarke, M. F. Publisher Correction: Cell types of origin of the cell-free transcriptome. Schaum, N. n., Lehallier, B. n., Hahn, O. n., Plovics, R. n., Hosseinzadeh, S. n., Lee, S. E., Sit, R. n., Lee, D. P., Losada, P. M., Zardeneta, M. E., Fehlmann, T. n., Webber, J. T., McGeever, A. n., Calcuttawala, K. n., Zhang, H. n., Berdnik, D. n., Mathur, V. n., Tan, W. n., Zee, A. n., Tan, M. n., Pisco, A. O., Karkanias, J. n., Neff, N. F., Keller, A. n., Darmanis, S. n., Quake, S. R., Wyss-Coray, T. n. Northstar enables automatic classification of known and novel cell types from tumor samples. [2] Here, we identify a quiescent mammary epithelial cell population expressing high levels of Bcl11b and located at the interface between luminal and basal cells. View details for Web of Science ID 000186360800006. We studied the effect of the combination of rapid culture medium exchange with the addition of the human hematopoietic growth factors interleukin-3 (IL-3), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and erythropoietin (Epo) on the proliferation and differentiation of human long-term bone marrow cultures (LTBMCs). - Associate Professor: Business Management Thus, Bmi-1 dependence distinguishes stem cell self-renewal from restricted progenitor proliferation in these tissues. 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