126. accused or the defendant, or shall be read or said to the accused or the defendant, shall be construed as a requirement that this things shall be done in the presence of the representative or reach or said to the representative. Particulars of Offence, A. (1) Any Court issuing a warrant for the arrest of any person in respect of any offence other than murder or treason may, in its discretion, direct by endorsement on the warrant that, if such person enter into a recognisance with sufficient sureties for his attendance before the Court at a specified time and thereafter until otherwise directed by the Court, the officer to whom the warrant is directed by the Court, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall take such security and shall released such person from custody. Statements as to wages to be evidence. PART VI - EXECUTION OF SENTENCES CAPITAL SENTENCES. 191. 68. 124. 7. (1) If any person committed to prison for non-payment has paid or shall pay any sum in part satisfaction of the sum adjudged to be paid, the period of his imprisonment shall be reduced by a number of days bearing as nearly as possible the same proportion to the total number of days for which such person is committed, as the sum so paid bears to the sum for which he is liable. In so doing, they may be guided, as appropriate, by the Criminal Procedure Act, 1965, of Sierra Leone . (3) Property belonging to or provided for the use of any Government Establishment, service, or department, may be laid as the property of Her Majesty the Queen. 32. "The jurors who are to try you are now about to be sworn; if you object to any of them, you must do so as they come to the book to be sworn, and before they are sworn, and you shall be heard". The Governor-General may make rules to be observed on the execution of a judgment of death, for the purposes, of guarding against any abuse in such execution and giving greater solemnity to the same, and of making known without the prison walls that such execution is taking and has taken place. If a person refuses to enter into such recognizance the Court may commit him to prison, or into the custody of any officer of the Court, there to remain until after the trial, unless in the meantime he enter into a recognizance. 128. Person arrested to be handed over to constable. (2) If such person forcibly resists the endeavour to arrest him, or attempts to evade the arrest, such constable or other person may use sufficient force to effect the arrest but no more. Sierra Leone Web; Human Rights Commission; Special Court of Sierra Leone; Law Reform Commission; Law Commons - Journal Articles; LawCite; Sierra Leone Parliament; Other African Law. (2)The whole of the statement of the accused shall be recorded in full, and shall be shown or read to the accused, and he shall be at liberty to explain or add to his statement. This form must be used when as offence with which the defendant is charged is punished only by a fine. An offence committed whilst the offender is in the course of performing a journey or voyage may be enquired into or tried in a District through or into which the offender, or the person against whom, or the thing in respect of which, the offence was committed, passed in the course of that journey or voyage. (3)The statement of offence shall described the offence shortly in ordinary language, avoiding as far as possible the use of technical terms, and without necessarily stating all the essential elements of the offence, and if the offence charged is one created by enactment shall contain a reference to the section of the enactment creating the offence. said accused is charged with..(set out charge as described summons). Medical practitioners and dental surgeons in actual practice and their dispensers and assistants; v.Registered druggists and nurses in actual practice; vi. PRESERVATION OF TESTIMONY IN CERTAIN CASE. 210. DATED thisday of.19.. Issued under my hands this.day of.19. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF DEATH AFTER EXECUTION OF OFFENDER, I,.the Medical Officer in charge of the prison at.(or as the, case may be) hereby certify that I this day examined the body of..on whom judgment of. 182. At the conclusion of the evidence for the defence counsel for the accused may address the Court and counsel for the prosecution may reply. If, on any trial for misdemeanour, the facts given in evidence amount to felony, the defendant shall not be therefore acquitted of such misdemeanour; and no person tried for such misdemeanour shall be liable afterwards to be prosecuted for felony on the same facts. 0000003971 00000 n period of years, or in such other prison as the Governor-General shall from time to time direct, and subject to the prison rules for the time being in force. 145. 86. The High Court of Sierra Leone is divided into the: General Civil Division; Criminal Division; Commercial and Admiralty Division; Family and Probate Division and Land and Property Division. and at the time of or immediately before immediately after such robbery did use personal violence to the said C. D. Burglary, contrary to section 25 (1) and larceny contrary to section 13 of the Larceny act, 1916. 0000073714 00000 n (2)Where the accused is defended by counsel who states that he intends to call witnesses as to the facts other than the accused, the Court shall call upon the accused's counsel to open his case and shall then require the accused, if he so desires, to make his own unsworn statement or give his evidence on oath, as the case may be, and thereafter to call his witnesses (including witnesses as to character). If any of such persons cannot be found, the Sheriff shall obtain so many additional names drawn in the aforesaid manner as may necessary to make up the jurors to the proper number, and shall issue summons to such persons in like manner. When such special findings is made the Court shall order the accused or the defendant to be kept in custody as a criminal lunatic in such place and in such manner as the Court shall direct, and shall report the case for the order of the Minister. Powers of Director of Public Prosecutions. The signature and attestation of the Magistrate holding the preliminary examination shall be sufficient prima facie proof of any deposition or statement and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof, unless the court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. Accused to be informed of complaint. 41. 70 of The advice and consent of the House of Representatives in this 1964 Present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:. Particulars of Offence A. 45. Assented to in Her Majesty's name this 1st day of October, 1965. 30. A. (1) If a person committed for trial in the Supreme Court other than on a charge of treason or murder shall not have been tried by the end of the next criminal sessions after the sessions to which he was originally committed he shall, if in prison, on his application made in the last day of such first mentioned sessions be admitted to bail unless it be made to appear to the Court on oath that the prosecution witnesses or any of Them could not have been brought before the Court before the end of that sessions. Statement of Offence Uttering counterfeit coin contrary to section 6 of the coinage Offences Act, 1965, B.,on the.day of.in the public market atin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, uttered a. counterfeit coin, knowing the same to be counterfeit. Share on Facebook. 247. Where such statement relates to an offence for which any person is then or subsequently committed for trial, it shall be transmitted to the Court in which such person is to be tried, and a copy thereof shall be transmitted to the Attorney-General. CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION && OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, I(name) of(address), the Medical Superintendent of the, Mental Hospital athereby certify that(name of. B., might retain the same in safe custody. Your are not obliged to say. Challenge for cause shall be allowed on any of the following grounds. Teachers in public and private schools; xi. Subsection (1) of section 13 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows, The proviso to section 16 of the principal Act is hereby amended, Subsection (1) of section 26 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the repeal of the Scale of "Fine and Period of Imprisonment" thereunder, and the replacement therefor of the following new scale, Section 29 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows. CUSTOMARY JUSTICE As in many post-colonial countries, Sierra Leone has a dual legal system and this dualism is recognised in the 1965 Courts Act. in the House of Representatives this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixth-five. c)by the substitution for the words "six months" in line four of paragraph (c) of the words "one year". 146. For the issuing of a summons the information need not be put in writing or be sworn to unless the Court so directs. 88. When a person is accused of the commission of an offence at sea or elsewhere out of Sierra Leone, which. (2)The Judge may act on the application of any party interested after due notice to all other interested parties. 77. 193. command the said A. To.(keeper of Prison or constable) at. The Mayor of Freetown, Paramount Chiefs and Chairman of Town Councils and of other local authorities; viii. return you this order to me endorsed with what you have done therein. It also refers to any security which the court may demand such as cash or a bond required by the court for . (2) Every constable acting under this section shall before entering any premises by virtue of subsection (1) deliver or offer to deliver to the owner or occupier a statement in writing signed by him to the effect that he is entering the premises because he has reasonable grounds to believe that there is a stranger thereon. No. Forfeiture and levy of recognisances. Sierra Leone, enacting jurisdiction. Any person charged with a criminal offence not punishable by death may at the time of being committed or referred fir trial by the Supreme Court, or at any time thereafter up to two clear days at least before the trial of such person, elect to be tried by a Judge alone and if any person so elects he shall be tried by a Judge alone instead of being tried by a Judge and Jury and in every such trial by a Judge alone, the Judge shall record in writing his decisions and reasons therefore. 173. (Particulars to specify pages and lines complained of where necessary as in a book). 4. (7) Subject to any other provisions of these rules, it shall be sufficient describe any place, thing, matter, act or omission whatsoever to which it is necessary to refer in any information or indictment on ordinary language in such a manner as to indicate with reasonable clearness the place, time, thing, matter, act omission referred to. Having heard you statement read do you wish to explain or add to it? Error or omission not to affect legality or execution of order or warrant. (2) Where property is retained in court pending an appeal on application by release of summons any Judge of the Court to which an appeal has been made or in which notice of leave to appeal has been entered, may if he considers that the property is not necessary for the determination of the questions raised in the appeal order the property or any part thereof to be returned to the person who appears to him to be entitled thereto. When an accused person is arrested without warrant on a charge of having committed any offence other than murder or treason; and. (2) If a person committed for trial in the Supreme Court shall not have been tried by the end of the next criminal. Address by Registrar to accused before jurors are sworn. Trial of children and young persons. 0000001488 00000 n 224. 4 201 No. njala university, school of social sciences Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home (1) If at any time or place appointed by summons or on the adjournment of a hearing once begun the defendant does not appear, and if, in the former case, service of the summons on the defendant a reasonable time before the time for his appearance as aforesaid is duly proved, the Court may, if it thinks fit and where the charge is not one of felony, proceed with the hearing, and may convict the defendant in his absence, or refrain from doing so until he shall be brought before it. (1) Any document purporting to be an original report under the hand of any public officer who is a medical practitioner, dental surgeon, analyst, chemical examiner or geologist, or of any assayer or mineralogist recognized by the Minister of Mines for the purposes of this section by notification published in the Gazette, upon any substance or thing submitted to him for examination or analysis and report, may, if it is directed to the court or is produced by any constable to whom it is directed or someone acting on his behalf, be used as evidence of the facts therein stated in any enquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Act. 140. 1 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. (1) The Attorney-General may order in writing that the power expressly vested in him by section 44 be vested for the time being any other Law Officer and the exercise of these powers by such other Law Officer shall then operate as if they had been exercised by the Attorney- General, so however that the power to enter a nolle prosequi in any proceedings preliminary to the committal of the accused for trial on indictment shall not be vested in any person other than the Attorney-General. Where it appears to the Court that distress and sale of his goods and chattels would be ruinous to the person convicted and ordered to pay money for a fine or penalty and his family, or (by his confession or otherwise) that he has no goods whereon a distress may be levied, or other sufficient reason appears to the Court, the Court may, if it thinks fit, instead of or after issuing a warrant of distress commit him to prison for a period specified in the warrant, unless the money and all expenses of the commitment and conveyance to prison, to be specified in the warrant, are sooner paid. The Native Administrative court, also known as local court of Sierra Leone, derives its authority from the Local Courts Act, 1963; the Courts Act, 1965 and Section 170 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone which deals with the laws of Sierra Leone. Section 5 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "suspend" in line two thereof of the words, "or revoke the appointment of'. Proof of service outside local limits of jurisdiction. 206. (2) After such period as the Judge considers reasonable the jury may deliver their verdict, or state that they are not unanimous. At the sitting of the Court, the names of all the jurors summoned, special or common, shall be written on separate pieces of card or paper of equal size and put into boxes, and whenever a jury is required, the Registrar of the Court shall in open Court draw from the proper box by lot until the required number of jurors appear ,who, after all just causes of challenge allowed shall remain as fair and indifferent, and the same shall be done whenever it shall be necessary to form a new jury: Provided that if a case be brought on for trial during the time that a jury in any other case may be deliberating, a new jury may be drawn from the residue of the cards in the boxes. (1) Subject to the exemptions in subsection (2) every male person between the ages of thirty and sixty years who is resident in Sierra Leone and is literate in English shall be liable to serve. Revisin tcnica: Gil Armando Snchez Soto Universidad Iberoamericana Gerardo Luvano Rodrguez Universidad Regiomontana Instituto Tecnolgico de Nuevo Len . WHEREAS..(name of offender) was on theday, of..19.convicted before me of the offence of.and. Conviction of manslaughter on charge of murder. 147. (3)Any document purporting to be an original report under the hand of a person gazetted as an examining officer. The Act, which came into effect on 1 January 2022, inter alia reduced the income tax rate for mineral and petroleum operations from 30% to 25% thereby adjusting the rate to match the standard corporate tax rate. 46. Falsification of accounts, contrary to section 1 of the Falsification of Accounts Act, 1875. Pilots of ships in actual practice and licensed as such; xiv. 26. (3)The statement shall not thereby become evidence of any facts alleged therein but the Judge and jury may take it into account in judging the credibility of the witness on his evidence as a whole and the prosecution and defence shall be entitled to refer to it in examining or cross-examining any witness and in addressing the Court. 233. Subsection (4) of section 42 of the principal Act is hereby repealed. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) . 32. 110. 102. English was first introduced on the island when the United States had acquired Puerto Rico as a U.S. territory after the Spanish-American War and the Treaty of Paris in 1898 but . (1) A person charged with murder or treason shall not be admitted to bail, except by a Judge. 244. 201. 87. in order that. 5. 49. (2) Upon the accused being so informed the Judge shall record the fact and shall then observe the appropriate procedure set out in section 193. (3) Where two or more persons are charged jointly if they do not all duly elect to be tried by the Court with the aid of assessors or by a Judge alone, they shall be tried by the Court with a jury. 1. xYlCaj0_ZqsC( OU*IyM/^OT@:qxKsbIS :EApc4N( ii. 2. wherein you were bound, and further to give you notice that if within six days of the date of service of this order and notice upon you, you fail to pay the said sum the same may be recovered in manner prescribed by distress and sale of your goods and chattels, and in default of the amount being so recovered you may be imprisoned for a period up to days. Robbery with aggravation - Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 1973. 0000001870 00000 n A person who has been tried by a national court for the acts referred to in articles 2 to 4 of the . Procedure with regard to warrants to be enforced outside jurisdiction. 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Alicia Dougherty Pittsford, Ny, Mackenzie Scott Bezos Contact Information Email Address, Articles S